I clenched my fists as I felt anger boil up inside me.

Nebula then went flying across the room. What the hell?

I had a bad feeling that I had something to do with that.

Even though I was mad at her I went to check if she was ok.

Nebula malfunctioned and clicked back into place, well it seems she's fine.

"What was that?"
Nebula scowled.

"I don't know it's never happened before"
I replied.

Nebula then pushed me in my room which happened to be nearby before shutting the door behind her.

"What are you doing? Get ou-"
I growled.

"You have to tell Ronan"
Nebula stated cutting me off.

"No. I will just be used as a wea-"

"Tell him, if he finds out any other way he will kill you"
Nebula responded.

"Why do you care?"
I muttered.

"I don't"
Nebula stated but her voice sounds like it was lying.

"Then let me die in peace"
I mumbled.

I flopped down on my bed and falsely pretended to fall asleep, although it probably looked ridiculous, I just wanted Nebula to know I was now ignoring her.

I heard Nebula leave to my bathroom, what was she doing in there?

Then I heard her coming back and felt water been poured onto me.

I hissed.

"You was annoying me"
Nebula stated.

"Everything seems to annoy you"
I hissed.

"And apparently you don't know what a door is"
I finished, implying for her to leave.

"And apparently you don't know what a bra is"
Nebula retorted.

It's true I never wore a bra. I then looked down to my chest and saw that the water she poured on me caused my boobs to become visible under my shirt.

"And apparently you can't take your eyes of them, you know? I've always thought you had robot tits"
I smirked, suddenly enjoying this argument.

"I do not have robot tits"
Nebula hissed

I had never even seen Nebula's boobs and didn't actually think she had robot tits but I just thought it was a good thing to say in this argument.
The door then opened to reveal Gamora.

"Everyone can hear you two arguing"
Gamora informed, before glancing at my outfit in shock.

"That's great, now everyone will know about Nebula's robot ti-"

The next thing I felt was my back slamming against the wall.

I saw that Nebula's face was really close to mine and she had me pinned up against the wall.

I saw that Gamora left the room without saying another word.

"Getting a little close there, aren't we robot tits?"
I smirked.

I knew I sounded like an asshole right now, but I was still really pissed with her from earlier.

"I do not have robot tits"
Nebula hissed.

I put my hands on Nebula's waist and pushed her off of me.

"Nebula, I'm so pissed off with you"
I sighed, referring to earlier with her telling Ronan that I was an empath.

I slid down the wall as I said that.

I felt her sit beside me.

"I was angry at you"
Nebula replied.

"But why?"
I questioned, unsure whether it was me telling her to never speak to me again or whether it was the Gamora sat on top of me thing, maybe it was both.

Nebula looked as if she was conflicted whether to tell me or not, but in the end she just ended up walking out of my room without another word.

I sighed, now what to do about the wet bed?

Empath (Nebula X Fem! OC)Where stories live. Discover now