❤️🥂Fine Dining🥂❤️

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Going about your day, you feel a vibration radiating in your pocket. You take a minute to check your phone, noticing a text message from your boyfriend, Tenya.

My Prince ❤️

Good afternoon my love, I hope your day is going well. I'd like to take you out to dinner this evening. I'll come by your house at 5:00 to pick you up.

A smile creeps onto your face as you read the message from your lover. You've been dating for a while and you're always telling Iida that you don't expect expensive things or to be spoiled, yet he always insists that his Princess only deserves to be treated with the best. It's an argument that he refuses to lose.

When the time comes for you to get ready, you head straight to your bathroom. After taking a quick shower, styling your hair, and applying your preferred amount of make-up, you head to your closet to find an outfit. Since this is a rather formal outing, you opt to wear a dress. You pick through the hanging clothes, sliding one hanger after the next to one side, before stopping at a deep red, form-fitting evening gown that falls just above your knees. A smirk appears on your face as you recall that this is one of Tenya's favourite outfits that you own. 

You stand in front of your mirror, admiring how the dress fits on your body. You grab a matching clutch purse and leave your bedroom, flicking off the lights.

Patiently waiting at the bottom of your stairs is a tall, handsome Tenya Iida. Wearing a black suit and tie, with a visible white dress shirt underneath. His hair is slicked back with a generous amount of gel, however, there is not a single strand of hair out of place. You notice Iida gently fumbling with the cufflinks on his wrist, making every effort to look perfect.

"Good evening my love." Tenya coos as you approach his tall figure. Leaning down he gives a small, formal kiss on your cheek. "Might I add you look absolutely stunning tonight?" Noticing the outfit you've chosen, a slightly smug look crosses his face. You giggle out a "Thank you." before he opens the door, allowing you to exit your home before him, with himself following close behind.

He opens the door to his car, bringing his hand across his body, slightly bowing. You take a seat and allow for him to close the door. Seconds later Iida sits in the driver's seat, fixing his belt across his chest. "I've picked out a restaurant downtown that I think you will enjoy." Taking your hand in his, he brings it up to his lips, leaving his other hand on the steering wheel. He plants a loving kiss on the backside of your hand and continues holding it while rubbing circles with his thumb. "I've already made reservations for us this afternoon, so we won't have to wait once we arrive."

"Tenya, you didn't have to do all this." You smile nervously at him as you feel that he's done too much. You would be just as happy if he took you to a burger joint.

"I know Y/n, but I want to." Iida smiles at you lovingly, "I only want the best for my love, and since I can afford it, I'm going to give it to you."

Once you arrive at the restaurant, Iida opens the car door for you, allowing you to step out. He holds out his arm, and you wrap your hands around his forearm.

"It's nice knowing I have the most stunning woman on my arm." Tenya's comment causes you to gaze up at him, admiring his cleanly-shaven face and his perfectly styled hair. Being so close to him you take notice of the cologne he's wearing. Subtle, but with a sophisticated, rich aroma.

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