003. thats positive

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rory pulled her sleeves down as she wiped her mouth. She had vomited again. For the third straight day in a row. lera handed her a water and sighed.
"Morning sickness again? I don't think that's normal." She spoke.
rory stood up and nodded.
"I guess you're right." She smiled softly. She looked in the mirror before glancing at the box of tampons next to her toilet. And that's when it hit her.
"lera, what day is it?" She asked.
"The eleventh why?" She answered.
rory gently bit her bottom lip.
"My periods late. By a week. How didn't I notice?" She asked blatantly.
"Wait, you don't think you're pregnant, are you?" lera asked.
rory sighed.
"There may be a possibility.." she answered, looking at her feet. lera groaned.
"Who was it?" She asked.
rory shook her head. "I can't tell you."
"rory, you better tell me this instant, or I'll call your brother, and you can tell him instead of me." lera said in a motherly tone.
"zach.." rory admitted, her voice cracking."It was the night of the party. We had sex... in his car." she spoke, tears pooling in her eyes.
"Oh my god." lera replied, hugging her tightly. "rory, we don't have to tell anyone who it was.. I know that you probably don't want corbyn to find out." lera says.
rory nodded.
"Let's go to CVS and pick up some tests. I just want to make sure you're okay," lera says. rory sniffled and nodded.
lera waited outside the chick-fil-a bathroom stall as rory sat there, waiting for the timer to go off. Her heart was racing. "rory, how are you doing?" She asked from behind the door. rory sniffled. "Im okay.." she replied.
The timer rang out, signalling that it was time to check the test. "lera, can you look at it for me. Im too scared." rory asked, unlocking the stall.
"Of course," she replied, pulling open the stall door.
rory stood next to the counter as lera picked up the test and flipped it over. A small gasp left her lips, and she turned around to face rory
"They're so faint...but thats positive." She spoke softly, handing the blonde girl the test. rory let out a shaky sob. lera hugged her.
"Congratulations?" She whispered.
rory smiled softly. She had a tiny human inside her. "Im so young, lera..what am i gonna do? Everything is gone. zach hates me already. What if corbyn finds out? It's over. It's all over." She cried.
"You're not alone in this." lera replied. "I'll be right there through it all. And we don't have to tell anyone else until you're ready." The brunette whispered.
"Okay.." rory replied.
"Wanna go get some ice cream and watch romance movies?" lera asked.
rory smiled as she slipped the test into her bag.
"That sounds awesome."

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