Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Rookie 7s POV

When me and my group walked into the house we went into the kitchen and heard uncontrollable sobs and someone muttering "why. . . . how could I. . . ."

We soon were in the middle of the kitchen and half way expected to see a dismembered mother on the ground because of the research we did on Marie.

Marie Jane Carter.

Age: 15

Height: 5'6

Appearance: dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin

Location: Winnipeg. Canada

Mother: Chelse Queen James

Father: Luke Brown Carter

Activities: Martial arts, Sword work

But when I got in and looked down i almost lost it (gore warning) there on the floor was the girl Marie in a bloody pile with tears in her eyes and her mother holding Marie's body towards her and she was whispering until the mothers eyes and facial features changed, she started to laugh and hug her daughter "hahaha. . this is just a joke, Marie isn't dead, SHE CAN'T BE I WONT ALLOW  IT!" "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

"Ma'am, please can you step away from the corpse and come with us"


She fell unconscious for some reason so as we got closer we noticed that there was a pretty deep wound in her left thigh and her body looked pale so i assumed that she was losing blood "OKAY LISTEN UP, I MIGHT NOT BE THE CHIEF. AND SURE I AM JUST A ROOKIE BUT YOU ALL BETTER TAKE THAT WOMAN ON THE FLOOR TO THE MEDICS OR SO GOD!!! HELP ME I SWEAR YOU WONT BE HERE ANOTHER DAY"

Soon enough all the men were grabbing the body of the unconscious mother while I slowly and carefully picked up the girl and brought her outside. When I did I heard a little groan, I was shocked so I put my head against her chest and I heard a little thump, thump, thump. I was relieved that she was alive so i started to sprint outside and once the sunlight hit my face I looked to where the father was and he looked horror struck, i was a little confused until I remembered the girl had a knife stuck in her shoulder and her calf. But soon I got the girl to the ambulance and walked towards the man, i slowly put a hand on his shoulder "sir please don't worry, your daughter is still breathing"

"And my wife?"

"She was found with schizophrenia and the medication she was taking was making it worse"

"S-so it wasn't really her fault was it?"

"Well not exactly but we will still have to have her face criminal charges for attempted manslaughter. . . but if the girl dies. . . it will most likely be 10 years at least and up to 17 years in jail. ."


"I know sir but please calm down, the girl might live the doctors are giving her a 50-50 chance"

"Okay . . ." 

(A/N, Hiii this book will definitely be updated a lot more than my other books so hope you enjoy)

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