Chapter 1

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My name is Kara Allen, and I'm the fastest woman alive. When I was a child, I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world, I'm just an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me, and one day I'll find who killed my mother and get justice for my father. I am the Flash.

And I am Barry Zor-El. When I was a child, my planet Krypton was dying. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. But my pod got knocked off-course and by time I got here, my cousin had already grown up and become Superman. And so I hid my powers until recently when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world. To most people I'm assistant at Catco Worldwide Media. But in secret, I work with my adoptive sister for the DEO to protect my city from alien life and anyone else that means to cause it harm. I am Superboy.

And this is the start of our story...

"Don't worry Miss Grant I'll have your coffee to you in a Jiffy" a tall brunette guy called Barry Danvers walked rapidly into the people

"If I go fast to the CCjitters and there's not that much of a line, then I'll be able to get on time... Hopefully," A blonde girl said, walking at a fast pace, so she could arrive faster at the coffee shop. Suddenly Barry knocks into the blonde girl

"Whoops, sorry. My fault, damn it!" she said kneeling so she could grab the stuff that fell.

"Nope, that was my fault... Woah," he said looking at her.

"Thank you... but still, it was half my fault," she said, still not looking at the brunette boy who was grabbing the stuff that fell from the suitcase, who the boy was now amazed at who was that girl. They finished grabbing all the stuff from the floor and handed her the things.

"Once again thank you..." she didn't finish the sentence. Since she was now amazed and embarrassed she bumped into a handsome boy

"It's no problem," He said amazed by the blonde woman's beauty

"Um, I'm Barry by the way," he said, fixing his glasses.

"Kara... Kara Allen," she said rubbing the back of her neck.

"Barry Danvers, happy to meet you," he added now hearing the last name of the blonde girl.

"Happy to meet you too. Oh no, I need to hurry and get to CCjitters before I'm late for work!" she said, after some seconds of looking at the brunette boy.

"Oh really? I'm going there too... Wan-wanna walk with me?" he asked a little shy if the beautiful girl would accept

"Sure! I mean... su-sure..." she said, trying not to sound too excited, but failed. The two walked to CCjitters, arriving they went to the small line of people. After some silence, Kara starts talking.

"Do you work here or are you visiting the STAR Labs particle accelerator?" she said curiously while the brunette boy smiles.

"I'm visiting, I work in National City, as Cat Grant's assistant," he said.

"The assistant of Cat Grant? Woah, that's interesting, to say the least... Is she that evil like the people that used to work with her say?" she said curious, of how working with the Queen of all media is.

"She can be very extreme but she has a good heart," he said happily of his job, that he also wants to get another job inside CatCo. But still, he doesn't know what that job is.

"I can't see myself as the Assistant of Cat Grant... but the important thing is that you like your job... just like I love mine," She said happily thinking about her job, but also remembering that she might get fired if she doesn't hurry up. But she likes talking with him.

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