"What's this little toy you're holding?"

He tilted his head to the side and reached for my ax. I gripped it tighter and moved back a step. He sighed, his breath pushed my hair back like a strong wind in my face.

"Relax I'm not going to hurt you." He paused. "Yet."

He reached for my ax again, and I warily allowed him to take it. He held it delicately with his long claws, seeming to observe it.

"I suppose she helped you make this, too? Along with the other toys you're wearing."

I just stood there quietly. He stared at me expectantly. He shook his head and handed me the ax back.

"You don't talk much, do you? I guess it makes sense since you have no one to talk to. The others usually go crazy with the isolation and speak to themselves. It's fun to watch, unfortunately, I doubt you'll be able to. Your mind may not be able to comprehend other humans by the time we get another."

What was he talking about, other humans? I've searched this place up and down, I've never seen any other humans in this place besides myself.

My confusion must have shown because the creature then spoke again.

"Oh? You didn't know? I guess I said too much," he chuckled.

"Leave her alone. She'll figure it out in her own time," the voice said, now with a more sharp tone.

A small growl erupted from the Blackened, though it was more irrational than hostile. "You're no fun," he said, then seemed to focus on me again. "I'll leave you to your adventure. Be careful, not all of us are as... tame, as for me and your little friend there."

With that, the Blackened turned around and disappeared down the hall. Once he was out of sight, I sighed and relaxed. What was he talking about? Other humans? My mind not being able to comprehend them? Why wouldn't I be able to comprehend another person?

"Don't listen to him, he finds joy in playing with the minds of others."

The soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I swallowed and took her words into account, and began to explore the rest of the upstairs. Making sure to track the small amount of light that would go through the windows.


I wandered around the third floor for about an hour. I was prepared to turn around and head back downstairs when I saw an open door a little farther away. I headed towards it, curious.

Inside was a dark room, I squinted my eyes and waited for them to adjust.

"Be careful," the voice told me.

I wondered why, but then my eyes fully adjusted to the dim lighting of the room. Inside was a bunch of sleeping NightWatchers. It made sense that they'd group here, away from most other species, in the dark, and at peace. I took a few steps inside, trying to avoid stepping on any of the many trails on the ground. When I found a secure place on the ground to look around I stopped and observed the many things in the room.

It seemed to be a sort of surgery room. There was a metal table in the middle of the room, big enough for a person to fit on it. There were also many tools scattered around. Not to mention the dried blood on the metal table and floor.

I headed to touch the table but froze just in time when I NightWatcher started to move in the place I was about to put my foot. I pulled my foot back and carefully headed out the room. I thought of closing the door, but then realized it would only be cruel, and left the nest of creatures alone.

SilenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora