Chapter Two- i think i fell for you

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i could not write this chapter for THE LIFE OF ME. i don't like how a lot of it came out, but it will do.


without further ado, happy reading :)


Nothing much had came from Saturday. All three of them had ended up hanging outside for the majority of the day, either swimming, skating, or just sitting in one of the chairs bathing in the warm sunlight.

Reki had the ever so bright idea of tying to ride on the deck with Langa's skateboard, and to no ones surprise, ended up falling off the edge. The sight of the redhead flailing his arms dramatically as he crashed into the lake had made Langa burst into a bubbling fit of laughter—That is until Reki had jumped up from the lake and pulled him in with him.

   After that, they had ended the day by going to a cozy Italian restaurant they had found a few miles away. Overall, the day was nice.

Now it was Sunday, and Langa ended up being the last person to get out of bed. He rose from his bed and slugged out of his room only to find Nanako and Reki already in the kitchen chatting happily about some unknown conversation he didn't really care for at the moment. Nanako was cooking some type of breakfast while Reki sat on the counter next to the toaster, both seemingly unbothered.

As soon as they had noticed Langa standing in the entry of the hallway, the two started laughing like kindergarteners telling secrets. He had hoped they would have gotten along together; however, had he known that they would end up like a house on fire, he would have been more reluctant to introduce them in the first place.

He tried to glare at them, but the lack of caffeine in his system made it significantly harder to get his point across. He decided to make his way towards the coffee pot like a mindless zombie, Reki handing him a coffee mug while Nanako tended to the food.

The clock on the microwave had read 11:32 as he poured his coffee. The birds outside chirped their melodies while the white noise of the TV droned in the background, and his coffee ended up being heavily creamed and hot to the taste, just how he liked it.

The two chattered while Langa listened, still far too tired to actually get invested into conversation. Slowly, he put the mug to his lips and let the steam wash over his face as he took a small sip. The world around him buzzed with life, whether it was the sound of bacon cooking on the skillet or the small taps caused by Reki's fingers drumming on his leg. The world buzzed, and it was it was tranquil.

Nanako reached into the covert and pulled out plates for the three of them, giving the signal that breakfast was ready. The two boys took what they were handed and started making their plates. Langa slowly side-eyed Reki as he did so, only to find him quite literally bouncing with energy. His eyes found their way  back to his plate as he wondered how he was always able to be so energetic in the mornings.

   Maybe it was because he was a redhead, he concluded.

The house was warm and comfortable as the table consisted of light babble as they ate, small conversations floated through the air like they did most mornings (how did you sleep?' 'is the breakfast good?' etc.) The subject soon turned from breakfast to sleeping, sleeping to dreams, dreams to Cinderella, and Cinderella to skateboarding, because Langa and Reki both had the miraculous power to make almost anything turn into skateboarding no matter the conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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