Chapter-3 (Truth behind the walls)

Start from the beginning

Kind Regards,

Charles Goodshow and Scott

"Very well. Let's head to Kalos
now," Ash said as he recalled all of
his Pokemon except for Pikachu
and, who then jumped on Ash's
shoulder. Before leaving, Ash had
got himself a new outfit but still
kept the cloak in case needed (the
new outfit is the one that Red
wears in the Pokemon Games)

A few hours later, Ash and his
Pokemon arrived at Kanto Airport
and boarded a plane to Kalos, ready
to start another new journey and

In Vanivilli Town

Grace pov

I was inside the kitchen preparing

"Looks like serena is still sleeping
"I said to myself as I walked to
her room.

"Serena honey wake up"...I said as
she starting waking up and give me
a hug.

She was completely devastated
when he left her. It was not his
fault nor her fault but a plan. After
that she never smile and always
sad and sometimes she cry in night
so I have to sleep beside her. But I couldn't see her like this so I sent her to Kalos high so that she can make new friends and enjoy.

"Honey I have prepared breakfast
come down fast"..I said as she
nodded and I went downstairs.
I went to kitchen take my cup of
coffee and start watching news
then something caught my eye.

"The world pokemon battle
tournament will held in luminous
city in Kalos region in 1 year.
There will be many trainers like
champion favourites, league
winners, etc. All the students of Kalos high are required to come back as the summer camp is gonna over and it just 1 day left, so all students head back fast"

"Hey mom what the news"...she
said in a lifeless tone.

"It's just that you are called back to the school and there will be a tournament after 1 year in luminous city " I replied

"Ok"..she said and start eating
food she finish her food

She went upstairs in her room
for packing her stuffs.

"Serens honey you will be leaving
Tomorrow why don't you go and
meet bonnie"....I said to her. She
was still in her room. After that
happened to her she didn't go out
with friends. Only Bonnie can
comfort her.

She came from her room and went
towards main door.

"Ok mom see you later"....said
serena and she left towards
lumiose city.

I was sad after seeing her like that
everyday. I can only pray to God
that ash can understand. 'Please
ash you are the one who can
change her'...I said to myself.

Serena pov

I was still sad but mom is right I
should meet bonnie she can cheer
me up.

"I miss him it was my fault I fell for
that"...I said to myself.


I notice two figures at the half way mark. I hide under the bleachers.
And one of them is Calem, but the other was someone else I couldn't recognize. How do I know? They could just be friends though. But I doubt it, and I reach into my pocket for my phone, that luckily for me, is
there. Luckily, the field lights turn
on at 8:20, so when I pull my phone
out, I am able to take a clearer photo.
They scout the area, and I can now make out who he is with.
It is a girl with short blue hair. I quickly recognize her - Meitti!!!!, I press the button to start recording
while I stay hidden. They weren't
able to spot me, and they start to
lean forward. I only hear three
sentences but it is enough. "Calem,
what about Serena?" "I don't care
about that b!tch! She can die in
hell, she was just a toy for me"
And I see them lean forward
while they stare into each other's
eyes. They keep leaning forward
until they kiss. I make sure to
record the whole thing. I only
recording at 8:35, when they stop
their make out section and are long
gone. I was also very very very happy cause now I can finally break up and leave that beastard calem. I emerge from the bleachers, looking at my phone in shock. This is crucial information, and I need to tell everyone about this. I felt like I am in hell even staying near him. Now one thing was clear in my mind, I have to tell the truth to Ash. I need my Ash back and heal that wound that is on Ash's heart because of me.

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