Part 8

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Dear Steven,

I hope you are keeping well, and not missing me too much? I know how much of a grump you are when I'm not around. They're not my words, they're Samuel's... according to Bucky, but you know how those two are so he may be pulling my leg. I do hope you're not grumpy, Steven.

I promise I am writing for a real reason and not just to annoy you from York New. I wanted to say thank you for talking some sense into me whilst I was visiting you. You were right, all I had to do was talk to Anthony like an adult. He looked me in the eye and reassured me there's nothing to worry about.

I love my brother, I do, but I can feel there's something lurking in the darkness. Maybe that's just my worries of the future, or maybe it's the thought of becoming twenty-one and having to leave my home for somewhere I may possibly not feel is home.

On a different note, I hope you are taking care of yourself, Steven. Don't let your council tire you out, or die out the light within you. You're a good king, Steven. Never forget that.

With love,

Princess Y/N of York New

P.S, I do hope you will be attending the ball Anthony has decided to through at the end of the month. I don't think I will be able to survive the thing without you.

Hope to see you soon, Your Majesty

Dear Princess,

I'm very well, or as well as one can be when they are grumpy. Turns out you weren't being teased by Bucky and Sam does think I'm grumpy when you're not around. He seems to forget when I'm 'being grumpy', it's usually when I'm telling him to do his duties.

You could never annoy me, Princess, even when you are being a tease. And I could never find you annoying when you're openly agreeing with me and saying I'm right. Never thought I would ever hear a Stark say those words.

You have every right to feel worried about what the future brings. There's a lot going on in such a short amount of time for you. You're going to be faced with a lot of new problems, but you're not alone. Remember that I'll always be here, waiting to lend you a hand to hold or give any advice I can. Although, from what I've heard, I come off as being grumpy.

Thank you for your kind words, Princess. You always know what to say to put a smile on my face. As for the ball, I'm not entirely sure I will be able to attend. Some business has popped up that I am required to fix. Believe me when I say I am doing my best to make sure my schedule is clear for then.

I hope to see you and your beautiful kingdom soon, Princess.

With all my best

King Steven of Brook

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