Chapter Twelve: Labor and Other Pains

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I hunch over in pain, the contractions coming one on top of the other. I fall to my knees, grunting in pain.

Milly comes to me, rubbing my shoulders, "Aggie and I are going to get Declan, it's time, your contractions are too close together for comfort."

"Don't worry mamaí, Dec will help you." Aggie hugs me tight around the legs, kissing my protruding stomach, "Don't come out 'til we get back, baby."

Milly rushes Aggie out the door, "Come along, dear, these old legs can't run, but let's hurry as fast as we can."

Thunder claps in the distance, a storm rolling in. "Please hurry." I whisper to the slamming door. I gasp as another contraction slices through me.

I give into the pain, lying down right there on the hard, scuffed floor. I rest my cheek against the cool, rough planks, tears leaking from my eyes, "Will, I need you, why did you leave me here, leave me to deal with all of this alone?"

The rain starts pounding, falling in sheets from the sky, reminding me of when we left Scotland, the sky crying at my leaving. Why did we leave, we had a good life, I had Will. Now I know our dreams were too big, too much. "We never should have left," I scream to the empty room.

With my whole body shaking, my legs unable to support me, I crawl to the bed in the corner, not quite making it, huddling in a heap, legs pulled up, arms holding my stomach. Laying there, I see rain leaking through the dingy window, hear wind rattling through.

I'm past the point of contractions, the need to push, to bear down is overwhelming. "No, not yet, not yet" I cry to my unborn child, "I need Dec. Please hurry," I groan, cry, scream. The pain is too much.

I feel like it's hours before I hear the door crash open, a rain-soaked Declan hurrying over to me, "Claire, ah, darlin', let's get you off the floor." He gently lifts me in his strong arms, setting me down on the bed like he would a small child. Rain drips from his hair, cooling my over-heated skin.

Milly rushes in a minute later, Declan putting her to work spreading out towels and sheets, putting water on to boil. "Where's Aggie?" I ask through my tears.

"Happy and content with Craggy and Corky at the store."

I can't help the scream that rips through me, "Declan!"

Declan spreads a sheet out underneath me, pushes my legs up, "It's time to push, Claire, this little one isn't waiting any longer."

Milly presses a cool cloth to my face, soothing away the sweat, "We're here now, you can do this. You're strong, Claire. Push."

I push with all the strength I have, bearing down, my body feeling like it might rip apart at any moment. The sweat is pouring down my temples as I push and push. Declan encouraging me, talking me through it.

"You're doing beautifully, darlin', almost last push..." I look at Declan's face, waiting to see the joy the birth of a new babe brings, but I see concern etched on his face instead. "He isn't breathing...shite."

Declan, talking mostly to himself, sticks a finger in my baby's mouth, sweeping, making sure the airway is clear. "Damn it..." I see I have a son as Declan turns him over, pounding on his back, trying to get him to breathe. Milly paces, hands lifted in prayer.

"Dec? What's going on? Why isn't he crying?" I try to sit up, my muscles not obeying, I lie there, helpless, tears falling.

After an eternity, I hear a small, weak cry, "Yes, there we go little one. Milly, bring me a warm washcloth and my stethoscope, please." Declan rubs my son clean, his hands steady and sure as he checks every finger and toe, his heart, his lungs. I can see worry still etched on Declan's face as he listens to my son's lungs.

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