chapter four

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Underground Stronghold


"So, new girls, what's your superpowers?"

Missy turned to look at Wild Card before looking at Joker who looked away. "Yeah, uh, so with the whole powers thing—"

"Wait a second. I remember you. You're Marcus Moreno's kid. And Joker, your Tricksters kid."

"Yeah, my dad hasn't gone on any missions for a while, and Joker doesn't like to talk about her mom that much." They turned to the blonde girl who was staring at the floor, her black headphones already playing music. "So, I've been chilling with the normal kids, and Joker. She lives with me."

"Why would they put two kids with superpowers in with the normal kids?" The look on Missy's face told him the who story. "Oh, I get it. You both don't have any powers."

"Your both powerless?" Wheels whispered sounding like he didn't want to believe it. Missy shook her head frantically before pointing to her friend. "No, I don't have any powers. Joker does, she just didn't want to leave me alone so she stayed with me."

"Well what's her power?"

"It's in her name, she's like a literal joker. Plays with card and all that. Jo!" The blonde took of her headphones and looked at Missy with a raised brow. "Show them your powers."

Joker rolled her eyes before taking out her deck of card, facing them down she held them out to miss who grabbed a random one. Showing it to the girl she noticed it was a special card, the joker card. "Okay, Missy. You picked the Joker card, let's play a little game of choice."

The girl dropped to card to the ground, black smoke filling the room before it quickly disappeared. In front of them was her mom and her father. "Choose one, pick wrong and you loose."

"You said you wouldn't use this one against me again!" Joker shrugged before moving out of the way. Missy walked up to both of her parents, she knew they were illusions but they both looked so real, she hands raised up about to touch her mothers hand, in the corner of her eyes she noticed the blonde smirking.

Retreating her grand she now smirked back at her friend. "I choose none. If I chose one it would show who I'm weaker for. You were going to use that against me."

Joker nodded before swiping her hands, the illusion of Missy's parents disappeared. "Each card represent a different topic. Diamonds is mind skills, Spades are physical skills, Clubs are both mental and physical, then Hearts, a game of how pure your soul is. The face card are not usually in my deck for it wouldn't be fair. So I only keep Joker, one king, and one queen. Joker card, as you just saw makes illusions, makes dreams seem like a realistic phase, but if I put all my energy into that one card I can make it real. For example, if a wall was in the way I can make it into a water wall, which would be Guppy's heaven."

Missy nodded before looking at Wheels. "Now can we put on the Tv? I wanna see if there's news about our parents." The girl leaded her friend back to the front table as a massive tv lowered in the front.

"You know this is an epic heroic smack down event when they've called in Sharkboy!

Earlier today, Sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths, landing on the beach of South Padre Island.

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