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A/N: I'd like to apologize if my German accent isn't good, please read and ignore any typos.


The world meeting began with the countries sitting down in their assigned chairs. Germany began the meeting by clearing his throat and raising his voice above the light chatter.

"All vight, ve vill talk about vhats hapening in our country and nothing else, alright?" Germanys voice rang throughout the room. Italy was the first to say anything.

"Germany?" Italy raised his hand.

Germany pinched the bridge of his nose. "Vhat?"

"I-a have to go to the bathroom!" Italy whined shaking in his seat.

"Fine zen, go!" Germany dismissed Italy.

"Ve~ thank-a you Germany!" Italy pranced out of the meeting room.

"Back to ze meeting!" Germany said as he walked around the room to find Japan hunched over his desk. "Japan, jou alright?" Germany places his hand on Japan's arm, and Japan flinches at the touch. "Japan?" Germany called uncertainty. Japan answered with a gargling sound. "JAPAN!" Germany yelled grabbing a hold of Japan's shoulders, turning him to face him.

Japans eyes were blood shot red, and his mouth spilling with green goo. Japan's mind went blank when Germany spoke to him.

"Oh no..." Germany said backing away from Japan. "Somzing happened to hiz country... " Germany stated as he went over to Japan again and lifted him brideal style. "I'm taking him to ze restroom, keep talking!" Germany yelled behind him to the startled countries as he carried Japan to the bathroom.

Germany placed him on the floor tiles as he studied Japan's face. He was deteriorating alarmingly fast, his skin pale, his teeth turning yellow, his hair was falling out, his eyes blood shot red, his mouth filled with mystery goo, and his nails were yellowing and falling apart. Japan looked so sick and dead that he smelled of waste.

Japan groaned again, letting the goo fall from his lips and onto his once white uniform. "Japan! Snap out of it!" Germany pleaded as he shook Japan forcefully. Then a sickening crack came from Japans shoulders. Germany stopped touching him and examined Japans arms. His lifted one arm up and down. They're broken...

Germany jumped back from Japan when he realized what he'd done.

Vhat ze hell?

Germany was reluctant to leave Japan in the bathroom by himself, but went back to the other countries waiting for him to return.

Germany reached the meeting room in a flash, noticing Italy sitting at his chair rather peacefully.

"Italy!" Germany yelled to the country. Italy turned towards Germany with that adorable smile that Germany had learned to love over time.

"Yes-a Germany? Wheres-a Japan?" Italy said rising from his chair. Germany rushed towards Italy, bringing him in for a hug.

"Italy, Japan... he's, vell, sick, and he needs some air. So I don't vant jou near ze bathroom for a vhile, okay?" Germany couldn't let go of the oblivious country. Tears stung Germany's eyes as the thought of Japan popped in his mind.

Italy patted Germany's back."Don't-a cry-a Germany! Japans just-a feeling sick, it's not-a like he'll die!" Germany's tears came faster at the fact that Italy might be wrong about Japan.

His tears stopped as he noticed the other countries looking at him with disbelief. The only country who spoke was America.

"Hey dude! You alright? Your a- crying! Why man?" The cocky attitude of the American made Germany a little on edge, but, then again, America sounded like he meant what he said, maybe he was actually worried.

Hetapocalypse (A Zombie FanFic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant