"Yes, I can speak English as well."

After about 20 minutes worth of questions, she was hired. "Normally we'd have to interview others and call you back, but since you are the only one that showed up today, and you are more than qualified, you got the job if you want it?"

She was doing a dance on the inside, she was hired and maybe she could finally get into a decent place to live. One where she didn't have to sleep with a knife under her pillow. "Yes, I'd love to work here!"

God that was the dullest meeting ever, Jungkook groaned to himself. Yes, he's technically CEO of this business but why must they make him go to all these damn meetings? He was on the escalators going down with his brothers when he saw her. There she was, he'd been looking for her for over a decade and she shows up at his company. He had to laugh, it had to be her. He'd never forget that hair, he's imagined it 1000s of times spread across his black sheets. When she shook the hand of the guy she was talking to and laughed he felt himself wanting to murder him. It wasn't his fault, he touched what wasn't his, and no one but his brothers are allowed to touch what Jk deems as his. 

She was leaving and there's no way he'd catch her at this rate. He started trying to get down the escalator but there were so many people that he couldn't get through. As soon as he was on the ground floor he took off running. Jk heard Yoongi and Hobi yelling behind him but he was on a mission. He needed to get to her. He ran out the front door and looked both ways, there was no telltale sign of her bright red hair. Jk dropped his head and turned around to walk back inside.

"What was that about?" Tae asked him.

"I saw Queenie." He heard them all suck in a breath.

"Are you sure, we've been looking for her for years?" Yoongi said.

Jk nodded his head, he knew it was her and now he was about to find out why she was there. He walked over to the man she was talking to before, he bowed when he saw him. "Why was Queenie here?" The CEO asked.

He looked at him with a confused face, "Sir I don't know who you are talking about."

Jungkook was starting to get irritated, "the redhead that was just here."

He handed her file over, "oh Davi Queens, she's our newest hire."

Yoongi was behind the younger and he grabbed the file from him, "she changed her name, that's why we couldn't find her. Smart girl."

They started walking away and Yoongi stopped, "are you sure that's her? It says here that she's 24, a Harvard graduate and she just got to Seoul last year."

Kook had to laugh, God Queenie. He didn't know how she did it but she basically erased herself. "She's only 18, so all of that is a lie. This is going to be fun." He had to tell security that as soon as she showed up on Monday that she needed to come straight to his office. He was going to be busy this weekend, making room for her arrival.

Davi needed to go shopping, she was literally wearing the only nice thing she owned. She had to get more clothes. If she got a few things she wouldn't have any money for food so she'll have to make do with what she had there. My God, she was so ready to not be poor anymore. She went to a 2nd hand store and bought a few dresses, a few blouses, pants, and skirts. Then she snagged a pair of heels and a pair of flats. This will have to do until she get a paycheck. When she got home she put everything up and then went to find something to eat. She didn't have much, she'll get paid next Friday so she'd have to stretch out what she did have. Ugh, 3 packs of ramen and 2 apples. Looks like she was going to starve this weekend, sigh.

The weekend flew by and Monday morning she got dressed and ready to head to work. She put on a form-fitting pink dress that flared out at the bottom. It was professional and really cute. She threw on her heels and then hopped on the bus. 20 minutes later she was standing in front of the huge building. Jeon Security Inc, it was an imposing building but she didn't let that bother her. Davi walked inside and headed to the security desk. "Ma'am, we've been asked to escort you to the CEO's office. Please follow us." 

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