Chapter 2 - Eyes in the back

Start from the beginning

"Who are you avoiding?" The blond grunted. "Us? Or someone else?"

The question hung in the air for a moment, before Midoriya managed to gather his brain for an awnser. "I-I'm not avoiding anyone I swear!" He said, frantically waving his hands about. "And most certainly not you or the others.."

With his words fading out at the end he let his gaze dart around the room. All the other students who had also stayed behind were now gone, leaving Izuku to deal with Kacchan alone. Not that he would have gotten any help if there had been anyone else around.

"I've just not been feeling that great lately," he said quietly, looking up at Bakugo with careful eyes. "But I-I'll be fine."

At this the blond simply raised an eyebrow as he continued to stare down at him.

Fidgeting with his fingers, Midoriya's gaze traveled between the explosive blond and the classroom door on the other side. "I-I should really get going now," the greenette said, hesitance clear in his voice. "See you tomorrow.."

However, the moment he tried to rush past the boy, Izuku's legs stumbled over something making him fall flate on his face.

Bakugo's pov

Before Deku had a chance to run off, Katsuki put his leg out, making the younger boy trip and fall to the floor. Midoriya grumbled as he lifted his head to rub his now, slightly red nose.

"You can't even lie properly, can you?" Bakugo stated, putting his foot down onto the greenette's back.

He felt uncharacteristically calm as he held his head high and looked down on the quirkless bug underneath him. Small whimpers could be heard as he put som pressure on his foot.

"You've been flinching and panicking more than usual," he growled. "You even had a fucking panik attack in the cafeteria the other day."

Midoriya was squirming on the floor, trying desperately to get up.

"Also, I'm not stupid Deku," Bakugo smirked. "I know you were crying your eyes out before class this morning. Your pathetic sobs could practically be heard all around school, so what's the damn point in hiding in the restrooms when everyone already knows you're a pitiful crybaby, huh?"

"And why the hell do you care.."

The words were quite and strained, barely audible. Although loud enough to wash away the older boy's cooky face.

Bakugo's eyes narrowed. "What was that?" Izuku stiffened, probably just realizing what he said. The blond growled before removing his foot from the youngest back, only to aim a solid kick to his side. "AWNSER ME DAMMIT!"

Midoriya whimpered and curled up on himself, holding his stomach with both arms. With his eyes tightly shut, he stayed quiet.

"Don't you dare ignore me Deku!"

Bakugo squatted down beside the trembling boy, grabbing a fist full of his shirt. Yanking Izuku face to face, his green eyes shot open, looking wide and scared.

"K-Kacchan I-"

"No, you know what," the blond cut in. "I don't give two shits about a weakling like you, got it?!"

Too Weak To Say No [Villain! Deku Rehab Au]Where stories live. Discover now