Chapter 9

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Their first downfall was written on a date, further from the Summer but warmer than the Winter. The sea was upset, storming and pulling on tides to different directions. The thunders were screaming and crying, begging for forgiveness for the ones they loved before. The ocean was dark, full of mystery, but enchanting underneath their mask. Rumour has it if the ocean loves you, they will lead you to your destination with their favorite song of the sea - the song that you will only hear when you are in love. However, Oikawa and the ocean are best friends - he never meant to mislead it into a friendzone relationship, it just happens.

A sound of boots creaking on the dock, the waves are alerting the other two sea-lovers for their new company as they crashed stronger to the shore. They call, "Oikawa Tooru,"

The styled brown haired lad dropped his smile as he glanced over his shoulder. Without giving them a response, his glare is already pointing a shotgun to the officer's forehead. There are two companies, which is still an unfair number for a first fight. Though Oikawa is always the one to start a fight, he doesn't want to waste his energy that leads to messing up his hair that he works so hard to keep it together. Despite his hard work, Oikawa is still utterly annoyed to be called with his full name by the officers. Between him and his pals, he should be the cleanest - He had never hurt a fly ever since he stepped into this hell-city.

"You are under arrest," Oikawa only raised an eyebrow at them before finally turning around to face them.

"Oh, dear me! What did I owe you to arrest me, good sir? Have I done anything wrong?" His tone was fake, if the ocean hears him, it will spit on him.

"Stop that crap. You're under arrest for prison escape, also by helping other individuals to escape will multiply your remaining time in jail. We will discuss this further in the court," the officer told him firmly. Looks like they are not in the mood for games, and so is Oikawa.

"Are you expecting me to say yes and surrender? You know, I don't just escape with my brilliant plan for nothing. I'm giving an amazing case for investigators for free! Y'all should be grateful for my plan," Oikawa rolled his eyes.

"Oikawa Tooru, let's do this with the easiest way and come with us to the station, before anyone gets hurt," They warn him, but that only entertains him more.

"Hey, come on! Let a man enjoy his life for a beat, will you? If you were in my shoes, you'd do the same thing," Let's see how much they last before calling out for a back up. What a whiny-beat, he thought.

The officer gripped his holster as a second warning while gritting his teeth. "We don't have all day, damn it! Let's make this easy for the both of us and get this shit over with?"

Oh, that's rich coming out from their lips. Oikawa snorted before crossing his arms with his smirk. "Easy? You haven't given me a tiny second of sleep and you want me to work as a team with you? Boys, please, I thought we have an agreement?"

That was probably the last straw as one of the officers seriously pulled out his taser to tame Oikawa. His friend, however, saw his motive and was quick to move and stop his little friend. The ocean cheers loudly in the back, supporting Oikawa's side this time - Looks like they are in their best term, or else this whole situation might turn differently. Watching the two officers argue by the hesitation, Oikawa clapped his hands as if he was watching the greatest showman on a VIP seat. What he witnessed right now is way too entertaining, but he doesn't have much time left because he needs to leave if he doesn't want to miss the boat.

When the officers heard the clap, they were glaring at the mock before straightening their composers. They are aware that Oikawa probably read them through already, that a backup is right behind their back and is waiting for the signal to ambush. Oikawa Tooru, if Bokuto Koutarou is the masterplan for their escape plan, then he is the mega-mind in the team. If Bokuto creates a storm, then Oikawa makes hurricane to the already-messed up places. They are two people walking in turbulence, every step they take is another threat for the world to prepare.

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