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"Behind the bushes!" The mercenary exposed his secret hideout, but was quick to shoot the man's lips by his old PM-9MM.

"Aw, man. You're ruining my party!" Bokuto clicked his tongue with a pout like a seven year old kid when their mother said no. Then a new wave of mercenaries ran towards him which caused Bokuto to tilt his head at them. "Looks like they miss me. Welp, gotta go, old friend!"

He leaped, he climbed, he crawled, and he snuck in order to lose some followers. It was a little difficult, but he got it - Thanks for the high grass and big trees in this jungle. The pulses in his veins drummed faster each time a bullet fired through his gun, the way it hit the target he wished to and the way he heard a small cry before the life that he has taken away from him was like a satisfaction from all the times he wasted from hiding away from the world. Speaking of the world, they must have really missed his antics because the moment when the news of him being in Brazil spread out like flies, mercenaries and secret agents are hounding after him.

When he was in Berlin to get an engagement ring for his lover, Akaashi was held hostage. Bokuto rolled his eyes in annoyance but didn't bother to send help, because Akaashi is an angel walking in someone's nightmare. One second ago he was acting like a victim, then a moment later he was covered in different colors of blood. Knives look good on his long slim fingers, with pride, Akaashi held it high as if holding a knife is his big achievement in this new world he's living in. Dare to say, he enjoys every single second of it as well, exceptionally when he gets the chance to see his sexy boyfriend flexing his muscles while holding guns.

But this isn't Berlin anymore, this is Brazil, an endgame for their adventure before disappearing from the world. Like a promise upon the stars, Bokuto thought putting his friends and loved ones into multiple dangerous situations isn't worth it despite the pulsing of excitement of breaking someone's neck. So many nights were pictured of his friends in the brink of death because of him, Akaashi got hurt because of him - Always because of his foolish fantasies, and look what it got him. He knows the result for their lives as thieves will be cut for each individual, but the fact that one day he might lose his precious team because of it, does not sound so appealing anymore.

That was why he made a promise, for a thief's end, that Bokuto would bring Akaashi into another of his traps one last time. To show him a beauty that reflects on his gleaming emerald eyes. Until then, the thief must keep firing, leaping, running to the edge of the world. The jungle was thick with wild plants and trees, an easy subject for as big as Bokuto to hide away until the coast is clear. The leaves are so humongous and healthily grown that helps the thief to hide his whole body from those persistent mercenaries.

"God damn, they're stubborn," Bokuto mumbled, moving with light steps to the opposite direction of them while they are inspecting.

Like a call for help, Oikawa's voice was heard from his earphone plugging in his ear. "Aww, look at you being pathetic,"

"Good to know you're still alive," Bokuto whispers back, but that triggers one of the mercenaries which he swiftly moves to the other opposite direction. They are now walking in circles, which is a waste of time unless Bokuto would want to create another concert of guns.

"Kuroo is making Pixie-chan chase after him on the other side of the island. Noya will activate the bomb once Kuroo passes the perimeter. The bomb will become a diversion. Think you can hold on them for another minute?" He explained, half impressed and half pissed that he couldn't join the task to piss the shit out of Amira.

As low as his voice can take, Bokuto inquires, "Where's Keiji?"

"Probably seducing a group of mercenaries right now. He'll be on his way once he gets the burning stones thingy," The thief never likes the idea of his boyfriend getting hands all over his skin, something that belongs to him, but with the remaining marks on his body should be enough as a sign that Akaashi is indeed taken.

THIEF // BokuAkaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon