~Chapter two~ New friends

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I woke up in the morning to the sound of seagulls squawking and the sun flowing in through my balcony window. Today was Tuesday, which meant I would be starting school. WAIT! School! I forgot to plug in my clock! I slept in and my dad didn't even bother to wake me. Thanks dad. I muttered unnecessary profanities as I quickly got dressed. I didn't really have time to take a shower, considering I was already late. I put on a blue strapless dress that came just above my knees and blue flip flops to match. I let my hair cascade down my back and put on a little mascara to make my eyes pop. As if they didn't already. They're freakin purple. After a quick glance in the mirror, I ran down the stairs to grab my book bag out of the car. I started snooping around for the keys and when I approached the kitchen table, there was a note that read:

"Hey kiddo. Claudia and I went out to get some groceries. We won't be back until after you get home from school. Btw: sorry about that. I called them to say you would be a little late. Your book bag is on the floor next to the front door. -Dad"

When I looked at the clock on the wall, I inwardly groaned. 11:21. By the time I get there it'll be lunch time. Then I realized I don't even know where the school is. I crumpled the note and threw it in the trash before heading out the door with my bag. There was one thing I didn't know about San Diego.

It's beautiful.

I grabbed my sunglasses from my bag and put them on, letting the sun shine on me. I took a right, hoping that's the direction of school. As I walked down the sidewalk, a car pulled up beside me. I didn't think much of it so I kept walking, trying to pick up my pace without it being noticed. The window rolled down and a low, husky voice was heard.

"You know, school's the opposite direction." He chuckled.

I stopped walking and groaned, this time out loud. I turned around and started walking the other direction when the guy did a quick U-turn and came up beside me again. I took this time to look at him. He had short, shaggy black hair and flawless tan skin. He looked tall, and he was wearing black sunglasses with a tight fitting white shirt and a black leather jacket. I kept walking, trying to ignore him but he wouldn't leave me alone. This went on for five minutes before I had enough.

"Are you done stalking me now?!?" I yelled.

"I'm not stalking you. Simply escorting you. It'd be much easier if you'd let me give you a ride. I was headed there myself." He smirked.

That smirk was really sexy. I blushed, but turned away to hide it.

"Why should I trust you?" I couldn't help but ask.

"You can trust me because.... Well what choice have you got? You're already late to school and I'm wasting my lunch break to offer a ride to you. Take it or leave it." His smirk didn't once leave his face.

I sighed and walked around the front of his car to get in the passenger side. I don't know why I trusted him giving me a ride to school, but something was telling me I should. I still didn't trust him fully, though. We didn't talk at all during our ride there. He didn't seem like the conversation type so I didn't want to be a bother. When we arrived at the school, I went to get out but he grabbed my arm.

"I didn't catch your name." He smiled at me.

"Kate." I lied. I still didn't trust him.

He chuckled and let go of my arm to turn off his car. I started walking away but he came up and started walking beside me.

"You're a bad liar, Annabel." He whispered before walking ahead of me.

I stopped dead in my tracks. He knew my name. How? Nobody knew I was coming to this school until last minute. The teachers don't even know my name. How could he possi-

"Hey! Are you the new girl?" A girl with blonde hair and striking blue eyes came up beside me.

"Yeah... I'm Annabel Smith. Nice to meet you." I went to shake her hand but she grabbed me in a hug.

"No need for hand shakes. We're all friends here." She smiled just as three other people walked up to us.

There was two guys and a girl. The girl had long, straight black hair and green eyes. She had snake bites and a nose stud. One of the boys had longish curly blonde hair and blue eyes. He smiled at me and he had the cutest dimples ever. The other boy had short, brown hair and golden brown eyes. He was staring at me with a serious look and it started making me uncomfortable. I was about to say something when they all smashed me into a hug. I started squirming and they all laughed except for that brown eyed boy. He was looking at me with such an intensity that I had to look away. It was starting to scare me. He must of noticed because he started busting out laughing.

"You should have seen your face! I had you good! My names Greg by the way." He gave me a hug and apologized before I introduced myself to all of them.

"Hi. My name is Annabel Smith. Nice to meet you all." I smiled at them.

Everyone smiled back before introducing themselves. The blonde haired girl's name is Kasey, the boy's name is Carlos and the other girl's name is Star. Carlos and Kasey are twins and Star is dating Greg. I hope she knows her boyfriend is crazy. We walked into the school and I went to the office to get my locker key and schedule. Turns out, my locker is right next to Star's. Since I didn't have anything for classes yet, I decided to take my book bag with me to class. I ended up having all my classes with Carlos. Kasey, Greg, and Star didn't have any classes with me but we have the same lunch period so that was a plus. Besides the fact that lunch already passed. We waved goodbye and Carlos led me to Biology. He said he already had a partner so I'd have to pair up with someone random. Great. We walked in and I handed my schedule to the teacher. I found out his name is Mr. Neil and he placed me at the back table, telling me my partner was running late and would be there, hopefully. I'm guessing that meant my partner didn't usually show up. Even greater. The bell rang and everyone got settled in their seats.

"Hello class. We have a new student. Her name is Annabel Smith and I want you all to make her feel welcome. Now, onto the lesson. We will be using the microscopes today. Everyone will pick up a worksheet here at the front and start looking at th-"

Just then, the classroom door opened and everyone turned to see who it was. The boy who took me to school this morning came walking through.

"Hello Mr. Owens. Nice to see you could finally show up. Take a seat next to Ms. Smith so we can get started."

He smirked and walked back to sit next to me. He still had his sunglasses on. That is, until Mr. Neil ordered him to take them off. He didn't once look at me, which was a good thing. The only problem was, I couldn't stop looking at him.

"You know, it's not polite to stare, Annabel." The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine. That signature smirk still plastered on his perfect face.

I muttered an apology and went up to get a worksheet. He didn't move to get his own, so I grabbed one for him and made my way back to my seat. I put the worksheet in front of him and started looking through the microscope. We had to share since there wasn't enough for the whole class. Carlos' table was in front of mine and he turned around, making funny comments that caused me to laugh. But the boy beside me didn't look too happy about it. As soon as the bell rang, he stood up and stormed out of the room. Was he mad that I was staring at him? Or jealous of Carlos? My bad.

School went by in a blur. I didn't see the kid who gave me a ride for the rest of the day. Carlos offered me a ride home and I took his offer. I didn't know how to get home and he seemed to know where he was going so we ended up in my driveway ten minutes later.

"This is your house?!? Holy crap! Your parents must be loaded!" He was freaking out and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, yes, and yes." I went to get out but he said "Wait!"

I turned to face him. He took a deep breath then said "There's a beach party Friday night and I was wondering if you want to go with me?" He looked really nervous.

I gave an amused smile before answering with "Yeah. I'd love to go with you. See ya tomorrow."

We smiled at each other before I headed for the door. I knocked, considering I didn't have a key yet. No one answered. I sighed and glanced down to see a note at my feet. It said:

"Sorry kiddo. We won't be home until late. Dinner's in the fridge. Oh and the key is under the flower pot to your right. Love you- Dad"

I sighed and found the key, turning it into the lock. The door opened and I walked in, shutting it behind me. I'm always home alone. Thanks to my parent's jobs and what not. But this time, they didn't have that excuse. They probably went out on a date or something, leaving me here to eat TV dinners and leftovers. I didn't have any homework so I ran upstairs and threw my bag in my room before heading to my balcony. There was a chair out there so I sat down and closed my eyes, soaking in the sun's warmth. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, it was dark out. I couldn't help but feel as if someone or something was watching me. A chill ran through me and I shuddered. I ran inside, fear suddenly overtaking me. I shut and locked my door before getting ready for bed. Crawling into bed, I set my alarm and fell into a deep sleep.




I made it long just for you guys! Thanks for reading(: next chapter=next day at school and more angel:D I was thinking about putting the beach party next chapter but I decided it will be in chapter 4. Anyways thanks. I'll have the next chapter up in no time(:


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