Remington Arms

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They had to go straight to the location since the guys had a few interviews lined up for the afternoon. Reyna didn't mind, she was always up for an adventure. Driving with the three of them was an experience though that was for sure.

Aaron spent the time making videos and figuring out ways to annoy the two up front. Zak split his time between his phone and talking to them. He seemed to be making notes on what to say and ask. And Nick, while driving, had control of the radio and seemed to love belting out ballads. All in all, a fun and interesting trip.

"Ok, so, Remington Arms." Zak said turning to talk to her when he saw they were close. "While we of course asked you to come for your abilities, we did have one other ulterior motive." He said shyly scratching his ear. She smirked and raised a brow in question. "You see we found out one of the women who died here was a Hungarian woman, buried alive possibly."

She made a noise of understanding. "So, you want me to see what I can see and try finding your haunted lady. I can do that." Zak looked surprised. "Why so surprised, Mr. Bagans? Did you want me to make it difficult? Because I can. " She teased with a spark in her eye gleaming. She knew Aaron watched them like he was at a tennis match and Nick was watching what he could beside him and in the rear view.

"No! No, easy is good." Then realizing what he said he blushed. "I mean! Not that I think you're easy or something... I..." She couldn't hold her laughter at his worried rambling. "Oh my god, bro. I've never seen Zak blush so much! You have to stay, Rey." Aaron said happily. "I just might." She said softly winking at Zak.

"Cops." Was the first thing she said when her feet hit the dirt. "What?" Nick asked hearing her as they got out the same side. "There are cops on the property." She said lowly. It wasn't that she had a problem with cops or authorities, they just always seemed to have trouble with her and her family.

"What's wrong?" Zak asked worried seeing Reyna look uncomfortable and Nick surprised. "She says she can feel cops here." Nick explained.

Zak looked around to see if he spotted any. "Well, there's supposed to be two officers meeting us here." He agreed. "How did you know?" He asked wanting to know more about her gifts. She sighed and started walking where she could feel the strict energy. "Law enforcement always have a strict spirit. A feel of unyieldingness." She explained best she could.

They nodded getting the idea. Sure enough, as she turned the corner a man in a sheriff's shirt stood waiting. The man was polite enough, and shook the guy's hands. He gave a curious look when she didn't offer her hand and just waved. No way did she want to see what his past or future held. She tended to see their untimely deaths and it made her ill.

Zak quickly turned his attention when he put together why she wasn't shaking hands. "So, you guys ready for the tour?" He asked pointing back to the off-putting building. "Ya! I imagine a building where they made things that kill people had a lot of ghosts." Zak started as they recorded. "They made things that killed people here." He said again emphasizing the importance.

"It's humans that kill people." She couldn't help but speak up. Zak looked at her surprised. She covered her mouth ruefully. She probably shouldn't have interfered. She gave a look of apology to Zak, but he waved it off with a smile. He walked towards her, she tried to ignore the butterflies that caused.

"How rude of me." He started coming to stand beside her. "For all the viewers at home, this is Reyna." He said with a flourish. "She has graciously agreed to help us this lockdown. Reyna is a very gifted person; we'll get to how later on." He said giving her a smile. "Please continue what you were saying."

She but her lip hating to disagree when it was his project. "Well..." she hesitated. Zak put his hand on her shoulder. "Really, it's ok, please explain." He said making her shoulders drop and the words spill out. "It's just that, energy doesn't work like that. Objects only hold the power they are given. Bullets hold no ability until put in the hands of a person or entity. Now, the people that died here, and there are many..." She said without thinking.

"They are what's causing all the hostile energy. Most of what you're going to see here is likely residual from the terrible energy of World War II." She finished. Zak looked thoughtful. "That's very interesting. I wouldn't have thought about it like that." She felt strange happiness knowing she might have helped. "See, this is why the crew is always seeking outside help. We want the facts, what's really going on."

As they walked into the opening of the building Reyna had to stop for a second as all the energy slammed into her like a wall. Nick saw her stop and hung back with her. "Hey, you ok?"

She nodded taking a deep breath to clear her thoughts. "Ya, it's just been a long time since I've been somewhere with this much conflicting energy." She explained. Nick nodded since even he could feel the hair raising on his arms. "Go ahead." She said waving her hand. "I'm going to stay here. Enjoy the tour."

Nick reluctantly ran to join the group. Subtly letting Zak know she has stayed back. Zak nodded slightly and kept an eye on her whenever they passed. When they made it back to the ground floor again, she heard Zak theorizing how many bullets must have been made in the factory. "Millions." She said unknowingly. A voice echoed her statement surprised her.

A man in a woven hat stood at the door. He had spoken the same word as her. Zak didn't seem to know who to speak to first. Finally, he turned to the man. It turned out he was the current groundskeeper. After a brief interview with him the crew was left alone. The man, Max, would be back at night to lock them down.

"Ok, so we have a very special treat this episode as I've said. Reyna, would you mind helping us for a few minutes please." He said with a big smile. "Not at all." She moved to stand next to him. "Now, as you might have noticed, Reyna doesn't sound like she's from around here." He joked. "Reyna is a 2nd generation Hungarian-American. Her family can be traced through the Carpathian Mountains for thousands of years." She was impressed by how much he remembered about her.

"Now, we learned about the Hungarian woman that died here on the property. Who better to ask her what happened than a very gifted Hungarian woman?" He said waving to her.

"So, tonight, Reyna has agreed to lock down with us and interview a few ghosts. Stay tuned."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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