Chapter 1: Bummerland

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Welcome to the second book in this series! I was heavily inspired to write this after taking a listen to AJR's newest album, so here goes! :D

Adam Metzger, or rather, Adam Met, wasn't sure why he picked up his phone.  Maybe it was cause he knew it was something important.  Or maybe he was just as bored as the caller.

"Guys, I've got a problem," his brother Jack announced from the other end of the phone.

Yep.  It was important.

"Might I ask, what?" Adam replied.  "Also, it's just me, not Ryan."

"Oh, okay, well..." Jack trailed off, then his voice returned to the phone.  "I got a haircut."

"Sooo?" Adam asked, confused.

"Well... I got seven, actually," Jack corrected.  "This month.  And now my hair's all gone!" he said proudly, as if he were a little kid who'd scribbled on the walls and was proud of his art.

"WHAT!?!" Adam yelped.  "Why would you do that?!"

"Well, I'm bored.  And lonely," Jack said glumly.

"Well, come on, bro.  If you're bored, let's arrange something," Adam said.  "You call Ryan.  Tell him to meet me in the park."

"Alright," Jack agreed.  The brothers hung up.


Later, Adam, Jack, and Ryan MET up ;) at the park.  "Sooo... what do we do?" Adam asked.

"I don't know, actually," now-bald Jack confessed.  It was actually quite easy to forget his lack of hair, since he was wearing his signature fluffy hat.

"Why don't we, um.... play on the playground?" Ryan suggested.

"Don't be silly," Adam scolded.  "We're not three."

"PLAYGROUND!!" Jack cheered, running off towards the swings.  Ryan followed him excitedly.

"Okay... well, I'M not three," Adam said to himself, shaking his head.  "Wait up, you two!" As he got to the playground, Adam couldn't help but smile, watching his brothers play around like the kids they were at heart.  He sat down on a bench, closing his eyes. 

Of course, his peace HAD to be disturbed by a bloodcurdling scream.


"JACK!?" Adam gasped, jumping up and rushing towards the sound.  He dashed around the playground, expecting to see his brother being robbed or bleeding on the ground.  Instead, he found Jack (and Ryan) staring in surprise at...

A violin. 

"Oh, Adam!" Jack turned to face his older brother.  "The violin... it talked!"

As confused as he was to see a violin in the middle of the park, Adam didn't believe it.  "Really, Jack? A violin can talk?"

"Yeah!" Jack replied angrily.  "It stood up and said 'hi' to us!"

"And then Jack screamed, and it fell back in fear," Ryan added.

"You two are crazy," Adam shook his head, but then, the violin moved.  It actually MOVED.

Slowly, the instrument stood up on two little cartoony legs, blinking up at them with small black eyes located just below its neck, at the top of its body.  The hole of the instrument seemed to serve as it's mouth, as it began to speak.  "Wh-who are you?"

And that's when Adam fainted.

Well... here it is! The second book in the Album Stories series I've started!

The OK Orchestra (Part 2 of the Album Story series)Where stories live. Discover now