part 4

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They have been looking for me, Bucky and the avengers have been scouring the city and woods looking for me. they are yet to find me but are breathing down my neck with each search party. The temptation to reunite with my brother has almost consumed my entire being many times. I have continued to live in the woods near the tower, constantly listening in on their conversation and plans of attack for each mission, each time waiting for their return. My lonely cave once silent from artificial noise was broken by the echoing of shouts and gunfire . The sound of repulsors flying close by followed by thundering footsteps. The footsteps echo throughout the earth from surrounding sides leaving me in the middle. Gunshot rang out from above. Thudding of bodies hitting the floor joined heavy footsteps. Multiple legs appeared at the entrance of the cave. The smell of death and evil is explained when the familiar image lays engraved into their boots. Hydra. Though only a small army, hydra no less. I could hear the comms of the avengers talking to one another throughout the fight, each seeming to hold their own against the enemy until the grunt of a certain red head caught my attention.

"Guys I'm hit and their advancing in my direction" her normally calm voice pierces my ears. The famous black widow was going to be surrounded by the enemy within seconds if back up didn't come soon. She used her pistol to hold off hydra for as long as her bullets last. With the amount of noises surrounding them her call for help landed on deaf ears. Soon the only noise coming from the widow apart from pained groans was the sound of empty fires of her gun. Before I even considered the consequences of my next move my body reacted. Running through the enemy ripping apart whoever was close enough to be caught up in my teeth. My body went on auto drive, protect and kill. The world hit pause as the battle had been won by the avengers. Though the battle had ended my muscles wouldn't relax, waiting for the next wave or for anyone to make a move for the women she's protecting. Red continued to blind me. The soothing hand that touched me almost lost it until I focused on what said hand was attached too. Her presence and touch somehow bringing me to the light through the red. my eyes snapped from her to the surrounding members of her team all on high alert except my brother. he could still read me like a book as he yelled for me to stop just as my muscles tensed to leave. the look in his eyes portrayed his feelings, he truly wanted me there and to stay. still holding eye contact I moved myself to the side of the widow instead of in front, though not trusting them myself knowing her team wouldn't harm her.

"Guys put your weapons down, she's not gonna hurt anyone. Look she's still protecting Natasha" slowly every weapon was lowered back to its owners side. my muscle relaxed slightly but not completely, too many years of torture for that. Bucky slowly approached , resting his forehead to mine

"hello again sister" Bucky whispers to me finally looking peaceful with himself. Not being able to respond with words I nuzzled my face more into his shoulder finally feeling the familiarity of family. we broke apart after Natasha let out a groan from Clint now looking over her injuries putting pressure on a bullet wound along her side. that snapped everyone back into action, Steve went over to her next picking her up as carefully as possible shouting instruction to his team.

"ok reunion can continue later. Stark inform Bruce that Nat's been hit and we're headed straight to the infirmary. everyone else make sure that the area is clear of anymore hydra agents, if you find any still alive bring them to the compound we will talk to them later. Bucky bring your sister back to the compound and get her comfortable until this is all organised. everyone go." he rattles all this off as his pace to get back to the compound increases not wanting to prolong Nat's pain.

the walk back was filled with silence Bucky looking completely unfazed as he entered the building close by as I hesitated stepping over the threshold. he led me to a room with dark walls and the biggest bed I've ever seen. I couldn't get the worry about Natasha out of my head. how has that girl dug herself into my heart already.

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