Part 4(sakusa's POV)

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Sakusa's POV

(same time just a little before all the stuff.)

"Apparently there are new kids from america coming to our school. Aren't you obsessed with that one band, the missings. I mean they do have good music but like you do research on the people not the music."komori was talking about 'the missings' the band i'm sure atsumu is involved with. I know it, I even noticed the ring on the singer's right hand. It looks just like Tsumu's. I kept walking when I heard komori talking to someone.

"Komori hurry up, samu is waiting for me." I yelled from around the corner. Komori caught up to me and he started talking about the new kids who were the ones from the missings. We arrived at the investigation club room. Its where our club meets up. Normally the people in our club research murders or whatever Samu, Suna and I are looking for tsumu.

"SAMU!!! I think tsumu is going to our school!!" i yell barging into the room to see suna going through old reports and Samu was looking at the investigation board, when i walked in he turned to me and almost cried.

"Wait really. I might see my brother." Samu said, crying. He was okay with crying because we came early to do investigations alone. We talked and went to class, you know school stuff. It was lunch when someone bumped into me.

"Watch it!" I said kinda tense because germs. I turned around to see tsumu.(you know what happened im just gonna skip)

"Can you take off your ring, I need to see the inside." I say, almost desperate to see if it was my tsumu. He handed me the ring and inside it said 'Omi + Atsu'. I almost started to cry when I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a huge.

"S-sir umm" he said before he said, " I missed you too Omi." I was trembling when he hugged me back.

"I thought you said you didn't know me." I said playfully.

"I didn't know it was you until i saw your promise ring. I have a lot of explaining to do

and so do you." he said I loosened my grip. I still had my hands on his shoulders.

"What do you mean i have some explaining to do?" I asked, concern clearly heard.

"Myself and my other band members can barely remember anything from before we were 12. I mean we get a few flashbacks here and there but there's almost nothin...." he said his voice slurred and he passed out.

"OMG!! IS HE OK?!" I asked, holding him bridal style. Everyone was in the cafeteria because lunch so no one was in the halls with us.

"I mean most likely he is get a mager flashback so he might remember everything or he hasn't had enough nutrients. He hasn't gotten to eat much for the past few days cause we have had to do a lot and he tends to over work." The redhead said.

"Yeah, we ask if he wants help but he always tells us to relax and he's got it." the other boy said.

"Ok i'll take him to the nurses office. Your oikawa and tendou right?" I asked.

"Yea how did you know?" oikawa asked.

"I did a lot of research on your band because i knew it had something to do with Tsumu. Oh and two friends of mine had friends named oikawa and tendou so i helped them try to find you guys.anyways i think i should be heading over to the nurse." I answered as I started walking to the office.

Its been a few hours so I decided to sleep. When I woke up I found myself on the bed with my arms around Tsumu who was reading wings of fire.

"Oh hey omi, great news i remember everything, also did you sleep well?" Tsumu asked gently, smiling at me. I felt my face heat up as I shot up letting go of tsumu.

"I-i'm so-sorry i d-don't kn-know how i-i got u-up here w-with you i-i..." I stuttered as I felt butterflies in my stomach. He chuckled which made my face heat up even more.

"Don't worry about it Omi, tbh i feel comfortable with you and i hope you feel comfortable with me cause um, i've been in love with you since we were kids and even after i was kidnapped i still remembered you.But i don't want to push you in anyway i don't want yo..." I cut Atsumu off by kissing him. He was a little shocked at first but eventually returned it. We melted into the kiss and we pulled back to breath.

"Cough cough lovebirds, lets get going before samu finds you two and decides to kill sakusa for touching his precious brother." Suna was in the doorway with his arm crossed staring at us. We got up and made our way to the investigation clubroom. Suan and I walked in because before we told samu that his brother remembered him we wanted to mess with him.

"Hey guys, and news on atsumu." Samu asked

"Give up already, that kid is probably dead." one of the other club members said.

"Shut yer trap, i refuse to believe my brother is dead. Right guys" he looked at us.

"We don't know samu, but we do have news on it." Suna said, you know like a liar.

"Well." Samu said, waiting for Suna to continue.

"Atsumu is outside waiting for a hug and was making out with sakusa." said blandly.

"SUNA!!! I SWEAR TO ASAHI YOU ARE TRYING TO GET ME KILLED!!!" I yelled as Samu stode up. He had a creepy arua, it was like your about to die arua.

"You know what, imma go get Atsu." I say walking out to see a laughing atsumu.

"Hey pumpkin, what are you doin." I say chuckling when his face flushed red.

"P-pumpkin."Atsumu's repeated face is even redder than before.

"Yeah, it's just a pet name, but if you don't want..." i say

" i like it Omi." Atsumu cut me off as I grabbed him by his waist.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi...I'm.Going.To.Kill.You. HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY BROTHER!!!" Samu yelled, running after me.


i do love protective samu 

also sorry if its late, because i have no school today i woke up late and all that

still have a great day you amazing human

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