Part 3(Atsumu POV)

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Atsumu's POV

(timeskip age:16)

It has been 4 years since I met tendou and oikawa. I get small flashbacks from small words like garden or volleyball. I don't know why but know I remember a boy with black curly hair. I don't know who he is but i feel like he might have something to do with omi. We, as in Oikawa, Tendou, and I are planning on running away from father to tokyo. We are because our father is abusive and homopbobic. He forced us all to get girlfriends. Mine is an ultimate spoiled brat. Same goes for the other's girlfriends. We are all gay but none of us know why. I think the reason I'm gay is because of the omi person or the black haired boy. We have everything ready, the tickets, money, clothes, and I did some research about a kinda large apartment but not too big. Speaking of going we are going right now.

"Ok so Tsum~Tsum you ready." oikawa asked, he had a bag and mask ready and so did tendou.

"As ready as i'll ever be." I answer, getting ready to jump out the window. The front and back doors are always locked and if its opened a like alarm thing goes off showing it was opened. So we leave through the window. The thing about that is the window 3 stories up. For that we are throwing pillows to soften the fall, and I mean a lot of pillows. That's when I noticed Tendou was gone. I ran to the window and saw him waving like a maniac.

"Ok imma go next" I said to Oikawa and I jumped. He followed soon after and we started to run through the backyard and climbed the fence. We made our way to the bus stop and ended up at the airport. We went through the whole process and what not and was on the plane to tokyo. I was in the window seat. It was currently 3 in the morning and I still couldn't sleep. I already enrolled us into a new highschool and was super excited to meet new people. That's when a memory hit me. It wasn't like the normal ones. It was clear and I could hear everything.

"So Tsumu please promise me we'll be friends forever." The same boy with curly black said. He had a small box that was 100% a ring.

"Of course Omi, but what's in the box?" I heard myself ask. So the boy with black hair is Omi.

"It's a friendship ring, it's like a promise ring, it means as long as you have it we will keep our promise to stay with each other forever." the boy said opening the box to show a ring with a small planet kind of charm on it. I realized I still had this ring. I looked down to see it. I didn't know where it came from but I knew it was important. I never took it off.

"I have a matching ring, and look on the inside it says Omi + Atsu" Omi said, showing it to me.

"I love it, thank you Omi." i said taking the ring and placing it on my right hand ring finger. "I promise to always be your friend and to never lose this ring." I said 'and to always love you.' I thought, this memory made my face extremely red.

"Maybe i can find you Omi." I whispered.

"Whos Omi?" oikawa asked, staring dead at me. My face flushed red and oikawa smirked.

"What is he, your boyfriend or something? Or is it like me who can remember the name iwa-chan but has no idea who it is." oikawa say quietly making sure to not wake tendou.

"Well I don't fully remember but I do remember what he looks like, and I just got this memory about the ring I never take off." I said showing kawa the ring.

"Hmmmm ok, but explain why you're so red when i asked." Oikawa said, smirking as I felt my face heating up.

"Sh-shut up" I say in annoyance. Oikawa shrugged and went back to sleep. I soon fall asleep as well and dream about what's gonna happen next.

(another timeskip!!)

We wake up and the plane is still flying. I checked the time and I only got 4 hours of sleep. Tendou and oikawa were blabbing about all the hot guys we might meet. I just sit and stare out the window.

(more timeskips because i am lazy and not creative)

It's been a few days. We are all situated in our new apartment and all had jobs. We all work part time at a near-by cafe and we also play live there. We are starting school today and I am super excited. We are walking to school when i accidentally ran into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I say to a boy with light tanish brownish hair. He also had weird eyebrows.

"Oh its fine, wait, aren't you atsumu from the missing." The boy ask while holding out his hand to help me up.

"Yeah I am, I'm atsumu, the brunette behind me is oikawa and the redhead is tendou." I say with a smile.

"Cool, my cousin has been doing research on you guys for some reason, I think he said you guys are connected to a missing person file but I think he's going crazy. Anyways i'm a big fan and its cool that i got to meet you." the boy said with a smile.

"komori , lets go, you lazy bitch, samu is waiting for me." A voice said, I couldn't see them because the were already around the corner.

"Ok ok slow down kiyo. Sorry but that crazy cousin i was talking about needs me. I hope to see you some other time." The boy said

"Yeah, see you around." I say as oikawa comes up to me and says that we have to get going to our class.

We walked into the classroom and everyone was staring. Some shocked others confused but one person who caught my eye was a boy with silver hair who looked like me.

"Hi I'm Atsumu, this is Oikawa and this is Tendou and I hope we can all be friends." I say with a smile as the three of us made our ways to our seats. The table next to us had a fox-like boy and the boy who looked like me.

"Don't you think that boy kinda looks like you." oikawa whispered.

"Yeah a little." I say. Maybe he is the other boy in my memory.

"A little!!! You two are identical!!" oikawa yelled. Everyone started staring and oikawa realized what he did when he saw the teacher staring at us. Tendou bursted out laughing and I chuckled. Soon enough after that incident class was over. We were walking out of class when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was the boy who looked like me.

"T-tsumu, is that you." the boy said, he looked like he was holding back tears.

"Um, yes my name is atsumu but I don't know you." I said and he looked like he was about to break down.

"O-oh, you just look like my missing twin and even you two even had the same name." He said.

"Well I hope you find your brother and maybe we could be friends, what's your name." I say.

"Oh. I'm Osamu and this is my boyfriend Suna." The boy said, forcing a smile trying to hide the fact he was about to cry.

"Sup." suna said.

"Nice to meet you." I say with a smile. I turned around and me and the guys started walking. I was walking backwards talking to kawababe and tenten, i bumped into someone and heard a nice soothing voice say something kinda rude.

"Watch it!" the voice said, i turned around to see a shocked boy with black... curly hair.

"Atsu?" the boy said.

"Do i know you from somewhere?" I asked, he looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. He had on a white mask and had deep black eyes.

"Ts-tsumu do you not remember me?"the boy looked like he was about to cry.

"Kiyo what's going on" it was komori. I guess that this was his cousin.

"Um, do you need any help?" the boy with the mask held out his right hand. That's when I noticed a ring almost identical to mine. It had a saturn like mine.

"Yeah thanks" I say , giving him my right hand to see if he would notice the matching ring. His eyes widened then asked.

"Can you take off your ring and show me the inside?"


A/n sorry if this makes no sense, by the time i was writing this i was running out of ideas. 

have a great day and stay awsome

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