part 1(atsumu POV)

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A/N this is my au and i just wrote this for fun and because im obsesed(can't spell worth a damn) also the characters are not mine and do NOT act like they do in the anime and manga. but yeah have fun reading.


I'm Atsumu, I'm 12-years-old and I have a twin brother named Osamu. Our parents left us in front of an orphanage and we got adopted by a kind and loving family. We live in tokyo and stuff I like to do for fun is volleyball and singing. Osamu says I'm really good at both but I don't really think I'm that good. Oh we also have a really nice neighbor. Well most kids don't think he's nice because he doesn't really like people because of his germophobia. His name is Sakusa but he lets me call him omi. He is my best friend and to be honest my only friend. I might be really peppy and bubbly but most other kids call me annoying or clingy. Omi says he doesn't mind me talking a lot, but i don't want to be a bother. Right now I'm going to me and Omi's secret base, it's in a small garden that most people can never find, that's in the park down the street from my house. When I get there I see Omi with his white mask and a big book.

"Hey Omi." I say grabbing his attention, I saw his mask crinkle meaning he was smiling. "What are you reading?" I ask pointing at the book.

"Hey Tsumu and I'm reading wings of fire." Omi said, placing the book on his lap as I looked at me.

"Oh, I've read that, I really liked it." I said sitting down next to omi. Most people think I'm an airhead and not very smart, maybe because I am very peppy as I said before. We started talking about random things going from the book to other books we read, to school and how mean other kids can be, to how much we love our family. Both Omi and I are bullied because we are "different", I'm bullied because I'm gay but i don't really care of what others who aren't important to me say. Omi is bullied because of his social anxiety and germophobia. He is also bi but only me and his family know. We were talking for hours until the sun started to set. We see eachother at our little base everyday and on weekdays we come at around 4 p.m. and on weekends we come here at around 12-ish.

"Hey Omi, the sun is starting to set, I think we should go home." I say after we finished talking about different mythical creatures, like dragons and unicorns. My favorite is the kitsune and the lycan, also known as a werewolf from european mythology.

"Yeah, Samu might start to get worried and I don't want you to get in trouble." Om says staring into my eyes with a soft and gentle tone. Despite what most kids in our area and school say and think Omi is very sweet and caring, just not good with words and he isn't good with skinship. He is pretty ok with me because we have lived near each other for about 4 years so he is pretty calm around me. I also have the habit of taking multiple showers a day.

"Ok see you tomorrow Omi!!" I say as i stand up and start walking. I am looking back at Omi waving and he is waving back.

(time skip, Tsumu is back home and its night time because i'm lazing and nothing really eventful happen until know. Current time: 12:37 a.m.)

I was feeling thirsty so i got up carefully trying not to wake my little sleeping twin. I failed as i heard a small grumble and in a sleepy voice Samu said, "Tsumu where are u going." Suma was rubbing his eyes sheepishly and is milky brown hairs was puffy and everywhere, bed head will do that.

"Just getting a drink Samu, don't worry i will be right back." I say quietly, and like that he said ok and went back to sleep. I walked down the hall to the kitchen and heard a sound like a car door closing. I choose to ignore it and continue my way to the kitchen. I heard the door handle jiggling, I stood frozen and breathing heavily. Suddenly someone grabbed me with their hand over my mouth. I bit their hand and when they let go I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"MAMA, PAPA HELP!!" I yell out. I'm sure I woke up the entire neighborhood.

"TSUMU, SWEETIE WHERE ARE U!" I hear mama yell out to me. I see her come through the dim hallway with papa following close behind. I felt the person holding me shift around and soon held a weird smelling cloth to my mouth. Then I blacked out. I wake up in a new place. My memories are foggy and I keep having the name Omi popped in my head. I don't remember anyone, not even my own name. Just the name Omi. I look around To see two other people. One with vibrant red hair color who is already awake. He had cat-like features and wide bright eyes. The other is a boy with milky brown hair who is still sleeping.

"Hello. Do you have any idea of where we are or... wait... WHO ARE YOU!!!" I screamed, earning a small grin from the boy.

"Well, i don't know where we are, and i don't know who I am." The boy said with a smile. We both turned to the other boy how yawned, looked at us, then yelped.

"W-who are y-yo-you." The other boy asked. He had brown eyes that looked shocked and scared.

"I don't know." Me and the redhead said at the same time.

"Ok brats. The boy with golden eyes is atsumu, the redhead monster is tendou and the brown haired brat is oikawa." A scary and deep voice said harshly, sending shivers down my spine and making oikawa start to shiver. "You brats are in America and I am your father." The man said. "And you will be the next top band." father continued. "Now let's start practicing. 


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