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Hey humans!! So funny thing, I finished this last night, but I forgot to hit publish! So umm, take some cute, fluff of young Sophie a day late

Sophie: 3 years old

The wind blew viciously outside, rattling the windows ever so slightly, and rustling the trees leaves so that it made a horrifying, ghastly sound. The rain tapped on the glass as thunder boomed outside.

It was only a few minutes past eleven, and while Patrick and David were sitting up in bed watching one of their shows, Sophie was tossing and turning in her bed.

What the two husbands didn't know was that their daughter was absolutely terrified of thunderstorms. As lighting flashed outside and another wave of thunder rumbled outside her window, Sophie's eyes shot open and she gasped. She sat straight up and clutched her stuffed dog tightly to her chest.

As the wind picked up, she whimpered, and in a split decision, scrambled out from under the covers and ran into David and Patrick's bedroom.

As their bedroom door swung open, and a figure ran in and crawled under their covers, the two husbands glanced at each other, wondering why there was a small toddler shaking under three blankets.

"Sophie, baby girl," Patrick lifted the covers to see her, "what's wrong? Why are you hiding in our bed?"

"The storm is scary!" Sophie cried, tightening her grip on the stuffed animal.

David and Patrick giggled to themselves, pulling their daughter slowly out into the open. Patrick scooped her up into his arms and laid her head on his shoulder, calmingly rubbing his daughter's back up and down.

"Papa, I'm scared!"

"I know, sweetheart, I know. It's only a storm, you're okay."

"Do you want to sleep in our bed tonight, Sophie? With daddy and papa?" David asked.

Sophie sniffed, wiping her nose with her sleeve and nodding. Patrick handed their daughter off to David, who held her tightly to his chest as she snuggled into the crook of his neck, while he got out of bed and turned off the bedroom lights.

As Patrick crawled underneath the covers once again, another bolt of lightning flashed outside, followed by another rumble of thunder, causing Sophie to sob and whimper once more.

"Shh, Sophie, angel, don't cry. Please don't cry, it's only a storm, it'll be over soon." David consoled.


"Hey, it's alright, daddy's got you," Patrick smiled.

Letting go of Sophie, David set her in between the two of them and covered her and her little stuffed dog with the warm, fuzzy comforter. As they both lied down with Sophie, they squished and cuddled her tightly, tickling her and doing things to make her laugh.

"Try and get some sleep, beautiful angel, the storm will be over soon, okay?"

"Okay, daddy. I love you,"

"We love you too, sweetheart," Patrick said softly, kissing Sophie's jet-black curls.

The two watched as Sophie's eyes slowly fluttered shut and her breathing steadied, signaling that she had fallen fast asleep.

The two lovers intertwined their hands and placed them over the toddler's back, making sure that she could feel their warm, comforting touch. They knew as long as was with them, she'd be safe in their arms.

Hey! Sorry this was short, but it's fluffy so I hope you enjoyed!! I love you all! ❤️

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