Chapter 10

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Write's Note:
I wrote some Chapters of this story long ago and I'm too lazy to read it so please, don't judge my grammar, spelling and such. Thank you! :)

Sandy's POV

"So I know this is sudden but how did you and Freddie meet?" Cameron questions breaking the warm silence, we are strolling through the woods after school finished which seemed so long; no longer the good way like I actually cared about what was taught today. All I could really think about was the sudden action which took place today- Fred coming back.

I never have guess he would come back knowing his success is growing and soon going to marry the goregous business women which also happens to be a fashion model for one of the most expensive shops. I hate to admit it but yes, I was updated to Fred's life.

After Cameron and shared the dramatic embrace the teachers eventually told everyone to get back to class making me and Cameron become apart. It was funny to see the principle picking up part of his clothes he ripped of himself then next putting it back on trying his best to look back to his old self strict and professional however, after seeing the 'teenage man' I don't think no one can view him the same.

Freddie waves our hands higher making me go back to reality, hand to hand which are going back and forth; I knew he did that in purpose to make me answer quicker, he is sometimes so inpatient. He knows my hands are tiny and short so it will surely wake me up; not being able to take a high dsitance not like him. He is never this violent and eager to know so I knew he is definatly jealous.

I explain to him...

Making me remeber me and Freddie's moments...


"So Sandy, this is Freddie and you will be tutoring him all the way till primary to secondary, okay?" the annoying primary head teacher announces to me, pointing at the guy named Freddie.

He puts hi hand out for a hand shake but I roll my eyes ignoring it, I will not be wasting 15 minutes of my after school to teach this kid; plus he is top set for everything so what is the point? He is smart enough already!

"Why do I need to teacher Mrs Robin? Most especially why all the way till secondary? Is it not the teachers job to teach? Not the students." I ask making it obvious I disagree to her command.

I hear her whisper under her breath, putting on a fustrasted look; looking at the ground trying not to make it obvious she despices me "Stubborn child, she always has so many silly questions."

"It will help you with your future job since they will know you are like a teacher! Helpful and intelligent" she admits now putting on a fake friendly caring smile on.

"I don't want to be a teacher though and this is a school, I am a student not a teacher." I protest, crossing my arms at her while tapping my foot.

She lets out a huff then explains "Okay, you know you said you want an incrediable job in the future! Well no matter what it is, tutoring this guy will help you get that and due to you being the smartest in this school; even smarter than the year above then you get the honour to tutor him!"

"What is so special about him to the others? Is this school's motto not 'we treat every children equally!'" I snort out giving her an evil stare still being stubborn not giving in to her demand.

"I am Fredward Luckworth, the son of this women's boyfriend so take care of me and follow her demandments no matter how stupid and sacrfices you have to take or else you will be taken out of this school and your reputation will be ruined." the quiet boy seeming the same age as me finally spoke while grabbing my hand by my side and making it shake his.

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