23 - Suspicion

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"865291 - Tyler farm. Luke speaking."

"Can you spare a minute, Mate?"

"Sure thing, what's up, Dunc?"

"Anyone else in the kitchen with you? Just, I know the mornings get busy in there. Your poor mum feeding up all you carrot crunchers for the day. And why the hell do you have to answer the phone like such a ponce?"

"Ha ha."

"Look, I suppose I just wanted to see, you know , if we were, you know."

"No, Dunc, you lost me. If we were what?"

Sigh "To see if we were still friends."



"I don't think there's anything to say, Dunc. You made it pretty clear what you intend to do. Doesn't mean that we have to fall out over it."

"Ah, well, that's good then. You still feeling the same about Loopy?"

"I'd rather not talk about that, do you still intend to get her to sell the farm?"

"That's hardly fair, big fella. I only gave her another option. Do you honestly think you've got a chance with her?"


"It's about time she moved on with her life, do you really want to hold her back, Luke? How can you be so flippin' selfish?"

"You're one to talk. The farm's her life, and she does want to keep that part of her life, believe it or not. Have you spoken to her since she heard about her boss?"

"Yes. She stayed over last night."


"Nothing happened, Mate."

"Not from lack of trying I bet!"

"Give over you git. She wasn't in the right frame of mind. Besides -"

"Besides what?"

"I kind of acted like a prize twat."

"Oh, well that'll make a change. What did you do this time?"

"You don't want to know, Blondie. Let's just say that I wasn't in the right frame of mind either. And that apron you got me at Christmas itches like a bastard."

"Good grief. Okay, yes, spare me the details. So, did she say anything?"

"About what? Oh, yeah, if you mean that weird shit about the dead dragon lady then yeah! That was a real Loopy special."

"You shouldn't talk about her like that."

"Who put you in charge? Is that what you were talking about? The dead lady's blood?"

Pause "Yes. Yes, that's what I meant."

"Listen, did she tell you about Friday?"

"No. What is it?"

"Well, it's a day of the week, Buddy, the one before Saturday - but that's not important right now."

"Get on with it, Dunc."

"Sorry, couldn't resist a bit of Leslie Neilson humour! Anyway, Friday morning Sarah's got the dragon's funeral and she said she wants me to go with her."


"So. It's a long story but I don't think it's a good idea for me and her to be going off to King's Lynn together for a funeral."

"Why on earth not? I've got to work, boss said he'd give me a warning if I didn't watch out. I had to call in sick yesterday morning. Why can't you go with her?"

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