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Mattia, my mom, gianluca, my dad, and I are all sitting in the waiting room outside of the main office
To see if I passed my test
See I want to leave but
I don't because of Tessa
And I know why worry about her if she doesn't want you too
Because when you know how  she is and who she is it's hard not to
And she's my best friend
I met her when I was ten
After my 3rd attempt
My mom said if I tried to commit one more time then she would send me here and I did
But my plan like every other attempt was to actually die
But I didn't
I remember walking in scared
I saw her sitting in the corner putting stickers on her legs
And ripping them off

(I do this but on my eye brows💀)

And I sat next to her
And I forced her to talk to me
And we became the best of friends
But I know that if I leave I really won't be able to see her
We're allowed to deny visitors
And I know she'll use that to her best advantage
NURSE: Madison Polibio
The nurse called out
We all stood up and walked into the office
DOCTER: well she passed
anyways he said that I passed and everyone clapped and cheered
No no no
This can't be
DOCTOR: she will be released this Saturday congratulations and have a good day
He said as he wrote on paper
I know she passed
There's no way she didn't we went over all the answers
Four times
And that's only today
DANNY: hey cut out
She said while slapping my hand
Ah man
I started scratching again
I've been so anxious all week
More about Madison than my own problems
Madison's problems distract me from the fact that I have to see my dad on Friday
I don't want to think about it
She groaned while plopping down on the bed next to me
Mattia sat on the other side of me
TESSA: go sit over there
I said while pointing to the chair in the corner
MATTIA: why!?
TESSA: because your too big to sit here
I said and he rolled his eyes
And I laid my head on Maddison's stomach
TESSA: did you get it?
I said
She can't tell if she's sad or upset
It's really hard for me to tell the difference between emotions
Even if there my own sometimes
She huffed
TESSA: than what's the problem!?
I asked while sitting up and throwing up my hands
MADISON: the problem is I passed even though I pick the worst answers I could
She huffed again
TESSA: I still don't get it!
I said frustrated
I don't understand
Isn't that a good thing
She passed the test without even trying
She seems genuinely confused
And frustrated
MADISON: Tessa I was trying not to pass
TESSA: why!?
MADISON: because I don't want to go
TESSA: well I'm pretty sure if you get ever answer horribly wrong they're gonna know you doing it on purpose
MADISON: I didn't think about that
She whispered
MATTIA: ugh my head hurts listening to you two
TESSA: Awee I'm so sorry do you want some ice
She mocked in a baby voice
I rolled my eyes and put my head back
I heard Danny laugh again
Ok lemme tell you something funny that Tessa dose every time she laughs at us arguing
She seems like she shrinking and she falls on the bed and silently screams the kicks her legs then pops back up with a flustered face
It's kinda cute I guess KINDA
But anyways she did it
Mind you Maddie's never seen it because we only argue when she's not around
For obvious reasons
MADISON: are you blushing!?
TESSA: w- what n- no gross!
MADISON: omg awwwwww
She cooed
TESSA: stop it stop it stop it!
She yelled while hopping under her blankets with her ears covered
That's when we started laughing at her

Sorry for the late update I got distracted so many times
But anyways ok when I hit 22nd of April aka my birthday I'm dropping another book
And no this is not a April fools joke I wouldn't do that to y'all 💀 it ya be readyyyy byeee
Word count "760"

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