I missed my parents, Jasmine, and my room!

He stayed silent as we walled side by side, must be processing all the things.
As we were passing by a market, i saw a beautiful dress through the mirror. I stopped and walked towards it, like it was calling out to me.

Esme, come and take me.

"What are you looking at?" Jake questioned, shuffling closer to where i stood.

I looked down at the price tag. It was reasonable for me. I took out my wallet and opened it up to see how much money was left behind.

"What!? Are you going to buy this!? It's too expensive! It costs more than my life!" He said, mouth hung open and eyes wide with shock and excitement.

"It's not a big deal for me. I have hundreds of clothes costing higher than this. It's a piece of cake for me." I said, nonchalantly with a shrug of my shoulders.

I counted my money, adding to my bad luck today. I didn't have enough money left. I blew out air out of my mouth in anger and frustration. I glared at the sky, cursing God for his selfish, twisted plans for me.

What did i do to even deserve this!?

"If you are so rich, why don't you help us? I will help you go back home." Jack proposed as he leaned closer with enthusiasm.

"Right now, I don't have much money. But i do have a plan, and you have to help for you to get your share. Deal?" I asked, pushing my hand towards him.

He looked down at my hand in wonder and back at me.

"First, tell me about your plan." He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Rolling my eyes, i pocketed my wallet and grabbed him by the jacket to drag him alone with me as i started walking.

"The plan is i will work and earn money and give half of it to you. But in return you have to do whatever i say, in order me to go back." I said, looking at sternly and seriously.

His non seriousness washed away from his face as he caught the look of unyielding grave on my face. He nodded his head sturdily and shoke my hand sternly.

"Good, now tell me. In which shop should i work? This or that?" I asked him with a finger on my chin as i pointed in the directions of two shops that i liked.

He looked at the shops and back at me, giving me an are-you-stupid- girl look.

"What?" I was perplexed, forehead creased.

"Have you ever worked before? From the looks of it, you don't have any idea, right?" He asked, more of confirming his fact.

I nodded my head and a blush creept to my neck in embarrassment. He sighed and shook his head at me. He was acting like my dad, who is disappointed in me.

"First, tell me, do you know how to cook?" He asked, taking a seat on the bench in front of the shop.

Following suit, i spoke," Yes, i know. I do know quite a few things, but i am no expert."

"Wait before that, do you even work?" He asked curiously with a raise of one of his eyebrow.

I hit him on his arm lightly as i glared at him.

"I am not a baby! I know these things. I am rich, but that doesn't mean, i sit on the throne and order people to do my work! My mom teached me everything so that i can be independent! Yes, i haven't worked before because i never needed it. But i am willing to do anything to return back home." I said, holing back my tears, but the crack in my voice gave it all.

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