Chapter 15: Part 1

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Around 15 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door.

"Thank god.." I sigh to myself rushing to answer the door.

"Hey lex, how ya holding up?" Shelli hugs me with sympathy in her voice.

"Just fabulous.." I laugh sarcastically as we make out way into the bathroom.

"You'll be just fine kid, it's probably just a fluke anyways. ...You guys did use protection, right?" Shelli crosses her arms, leans against the door frame and shoots me a concerned glare.

"Well uh.. N-not really..." I stutter.

"Not really?!" She shouts.

"Okay.. we didn't, but it was just one time! W-we got caught up in the moment, we weren't thinking a-and.." I start to cry. Shelli swooped in and held me in a tight hug in attempt to calm me down.

"Lex, normally I would've slapped you upside the head for being so stupid, but I guess nows not the time... I mean, Whats done is done, there's nothing you can do about it now. just take the test and we'll deal with the results later. Just relax Hun." She chuckles slightly trying to lighten the mood.

"You're right, gimme the test.." I say swallowing the hard lump in my throat.

Shelli handed me the test, and closed the bathroom door to let me do my thing.

When I was done taking the test, I put it on the edge of the bathroom counter, walked out, and shut the door behind me. The last thing I'd wanted was to be in the same room as that stupid test, so I sat with shelli on the couch playing the waiting game. Those were some of the longest 5 minutes of my life..

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