"Mione'? You know it's not normal to spend every passing minute in the library right?"

"Research for Harry and Ron." She protruded, arms crossed as they stepped carefully through the quietening corridors.

"At least you're actually showing up to dinners again." Ginny smiled cheekily, her tummy full of the roast they'd just tucked into. She pushed a strand of red hair behind her ear as she continued, "I wonder how the boys are."

Hermione shrugged. She didn't even want to think about them, about how they'd cope without her, because she really was the best at spells.
"They'll be fine Gin." She concluded. "Harry is the greatest wizard we know."

Ginny smiled, pulling her into a hug and huddling  her face into her bundle of brunette curls, she'd been much more emotional as of recently. As much as Ginny could frustrate her at times, at least she'd always have her. Wouldn't run off into trouble like Harry and Ron.

"Don't go."

"I've got to go and prepare Gin! You know we probably don't have as long as you would like to think. If the boys manage to find and destroy Horcrux's then Voldemort's going to make himself known. Here no doubt."

Ginny nodded slowly. "The order will be ready."

"I know." Hermione said, but she doubted herself rather a lot. A muggleborn like her in the battlefield against pureblood's didn't stand a chance. She was good at spells, and the brightest witch of her age, but she couldn't fight.

As they arrived to the grand library doors, Ginny huffed a little and waved her off, disappointed at how she was still retreating from the world.

A clutter of books and Hermione was settled in her usual spot. It certainly made a difference wearing muggle clothing rather than her usual school robes.

A fitted red jumper and a -shorter than usual- black pleated skirt left her realising how much she longed for the comfort of her Gryffindor robes again. She should've just kept them on, this was too much skin.

All was normal as she rose on her tiptoes to pick a quick read on Horcrux's, accept from the fact she had noticed from the corner of her eye, Theodore Nott was peering around from the restricted section with one singular raised eyebrow, his sculpted face narrowly curious— and he was looking at her.

When Theo comically marched a little closer and beckoned for Hermione to join him, she struggled to hold her surprised expression as Draco's lean figure came into her view sat relaxed into his chair.

His platinum hair couldn't be avoided and quite frankly he looked just as shocked as her at Theo's peculiar behaviour.

Hermione avoided eye contact with the pair as she shyly walked over, tugging at each red sleeve.

She felt Draco's eyes on her as she approached, if only she knew that he was noting how much he enjoyed her in muggle clothes. How he hadn't seen her in them often.
Specifically red.

He scowled at her as the guilt of his ridiculous attraction brewed. He could remember exactly how she tasted, and he hated that.

For now though, red was nice. Her curves were—

Theo cleared his throat and Draco averted his attention back to him.

Hermione watched his eyes dart away from the contents of her jumper as he clenched his jaw tightly. Her presence was clearly making him uncomfortable.

"Draco, Gryffindors sweetheart?"
Theo bowed and dramatically revealed Hermione's small figure before offering her a seat with them willingly.

For someone who's family had killed a distinct number of muggleborn's it was peculiar how strangely careless Theo was about sitting beside her.

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