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The next few days were peculiar. The meals in the library had stopped but perhaps it was because she had started showing to dinner again.

Making sly eye contact with Draco as if to prove a point.

Draco licked his teeth and started watching her from across the great hall. A slight smirk, very clearly ignoring his friends that sat around him. Pansys thumb noticeably rubbing slowly along his forearm.

Hermione glared back at him. Attempting not to get flustered under his intimidating stare — After all she no longer had Harry to watch her back like before.

An empty plate, she twisted a curl behind her ear and lifted her chin to meet his eyes again. The death eater twat would have to look away first, because she certainly wasn't planning on giving in.
Eye connection that lasted for minutes, frustrated at how Draco was trying to psych her out. His ability to hold her attention was infuriating.

Hermione pushed her plate forward and stood up dramatically. "Insufferable idiot." She mouthed, before getting up and leaving. His smirk and raised eyebrows imprinted in her vision. He'd won. Again.


Hermione sat awkwardly on the end of Ginny's bed, trying to console her as she weeped breathlessly into her shoulder. Bloody Harry. She'd been crying for nearly two hours, ever so emotional since the boys had left.

Now Hermione found herself glancing over to the clock every other minute. 9 o clock — she desperately wanted to get to the library. Mostly for reasons she dare not explain to Ginny.

"He hasn't even written!" Ginny sighed, and Hermione decided it would be best to not mention the letter she had received a few days previous.

"Gin, you know it's dangerous for them."

"I know," She huffed out, "I can't wait until this war bullshit is all over."

Hermione nodded, but now had thoughts whirring around her head. But what then?
Say they actually manage to win the war and then she's still depressed and she's still alone.

Ginny had Harry and she had— Ron? No, she most definitely did not have Ron.
She was alone, a dirty muggleborn with scars up her wrists. A muggleborn who's only recent interests consisted of a platinum haired deatheater. He'd murmur insults and make her feel shit, but at least it wasn't herself doing it for once. Made a nice change.

She sighed heavily.
"Come on Gin, try and sleep?"

Ginny nodded and slid into her red sheets, still sniffling and looking rather sorry for herself. Hermione flicked off the lights so that just low candlelight flickered around them.

"You sleep well."



"You will stay here tonight won't you? Please just stay with me?"

Hermione smiled sadly, her eyes wet, "Of course."

But there was only one thing on her mind. She wondered if Malfoy would notice that she hadn't showed...


The following night; and she certainly wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to miss another night in the quiet library beside her little rounded window.

Hermione stepped through the corridor slowly, practicing odd spells as she went. She supposed that she better attempt to practise one way or another, it's what Harry kept urging her to do anyway.

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