16 - Strife

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It was another time in the mall when another visitor showed up, and Mark and Jaemin were just spending another couple of hours leaning against another section of the guard rails of the second floor.

"We should really stop leaning against these railings," Mark commented in a bitterly joking tone of voice, his visage displaying a clear annoyance as he stared at their latest visitor. 

"We really should," Jaemin echoed the other's displeasement, the duo remaining in their relaxed positions as they eyes down their unwanted guest.

The person had arrived a while ago, and simply remained sitting on the railing across from the duo on the second floor. His stature was long yet built, his dress displaying a strange style of silver clothing. It was otherwise shifty, flickering back and forth as the lighting from the mall and from the universe above changed. 

But it wasn't the clothing that Jaemin's eyes caught on, but rather, the spear resting across the person's lap. The figure twirled is on occasion, his gaze remaining on the duo as the silver spear flashed around the person's body. 

Mark shifted closer to Jaemin, his lips moving to rest by Jaemin's ear, his words coming out in a soft whisper that gently caressed Jaemin's ear. "Should we leave? Or should we confront him?"

"You...wait here," Jaemin said after a moment, his eyes flickering over to rest on Mark's anxious face, "I'll go see what his deal is." Jaemin eyes caught on the crease that formed on Mark's forehead and he instinctively reached up to poke it, wiggling his finger so that the crease vanished.


"You'll get wrinkles," Jaemin pointed out, his face feeling a bit warm at the embarrassing action. The corner's of Mark's lips pulled out into a small smile and his face warmed, his hand lifting up to replace the spot where Jaemin's finger had been.

"Mark Lee," the tone was commanding and the duo jumped, their blinking and wide eyes locking together before they both turned to look at the person who had now moved, standing instead of sitting on the second floor railing. "You're to come with me. You've already been warned once before by my colleague." 

"He's not leaving, this is my own problem," Jaemin's own tone raised to match that of the other's, his body shifting to stand in front of Mark as he eyes the spear in the other's hand. He hadn't a weapon of any sort. If he was to fight the other...he would have to do hand to hand combat, only briefly trained in case he needed to protect the mall from outside forces.

After all, it was dangerous to travel in space.

The person crouched down, as if to stretch out their legs. Then the spear shifting in a test spin, the other forming a more aggressive stance. "Then you give me no choice." 


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