10 - A Cosmic Confluence

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"What do you remember?" Jaemin couldn't help himself from asking, the duo sitting on the floor of the wide, empty, and vacant mall.

He was curious, wanting to know the extent of the boy's knowledge.

Mark frowned, leaning back onto his hands, his t-shirt sliding up a little at the motion. "It's a bit fuzzy, the only thing that's clear is your name." The boy squeezed his eyes closed and lifted a hand, pressing it over his temple.

"Don't hurt yourself," Jaemin said softly, looking away and feeling his ears burn a bit at the tone of voice he had used. He hadn't meant to sound so soft towards the other.

A short laugh followed, one that was discernibly anywhere the amount of times Jaemin had heard it by now. "I promise."

Jaemin heard shuffled and turned back to look at Mark, jerking back a bit when he saw the other had shifted to kneel in front of him.

The spirit was wearing a face of childish determination and Jaemin frowned in distaste. "What?"

The boy jut out his pinkie finger. "I pinkie promise."

Jaemin raised his eyebrows before sighing, shifting his weight on his hands so that he could lift one of them. Curling his pinkie around the other, Mark squeezed them tightly together.

A flash of astoundingly bright light burst and flooded through the mall. A window shattered.


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