Chapter 10 - Technoblade Never Dies

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Blood, Gore, Violence

I recommend listening to 'When It All Falls Down' by Audiomachine

While you read this! Repeat if song finishes before you finish reading


Techno's body layed on the ground. A figure came to grab his body. He looked fine from the outside, but he could hear his bones cracking. They were crushed by the massive human as it tightened his grip on the fragile body

They took the hunter in a vehicle. "He's dead! You think it will work?" a figure called as he examined Techno's body. "I know it will. Trust me!" the leader spoke and gave the signal for the car to move on

They arrived in a secret lab in the heart of the 5th forest. They placed the hunter's body on a table with light. It glowed brightly

"Let it begin!" the leader said

Machines whirred. The leader grabbed latex gloves and eyed at Techno. His pink hair was messed up and his body was still

"You will live. You will be the giant slayer. You want revenge. I will make you the most powerful man on earth!" the leader continued, "For I, Wilbur Soot, will bring you back to life to complete your mission!"

Wilbur laughed. He found some supplies and began to work. He healed Techno's bones, organs, and his system. Damn! This giant can surely crush hard! He shivered and walked away to find a mask. Out of all masks, he found the one of a hog. Its horns stood out nicely, smooth, and were sharp. He placed it on the man's face and smiled

He cut a big chunk of Techno's long pink hair as the braid fell off. It was short and dangled like a pink waterfall. Wilbur finished healing Techno from inside. He took off his gloves and backed away

A machine tattooed the pig mask onto the human. He turned something on, making the area go crazy and electric zapped around. It was working! Wilbur looked at the picture of Techno's skull as it transformed from human to pig

The hunter shook a little, later opened his eyes, and let out a piercing screech. His eyes were white as he yelled. He felt the pain on his face as he felt a mask being tattooed onto his face

Wilbur laughed like a maniac and noticed the picture has been completed

Credits to SAD-istfied

Credits to SAD-istfied

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