Chapter 1 - Walk in the City

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I want them to know! I want friends. Why do they fear me?

I'm friendly

His thoughts crowded his mind. He stood up and saw the size of the forest. The tallest tree was up to his ankle. He sighed and walked to his home

His house is a cave. Away from the city, farms, and the people. He took off his hoodie as he showered in a waterfall. It was the only giant size shower he had

He got out and wore a white short sleeve shirt and black sweatpants. He sighed and shrank to human height. He was 6'3, he's tall, but average for human

He got out of the cave and walked into the city. Girls looked at him and giggled. He felt weird and walked faster

He wasn't used to being human size and being near all these people. They fear him when he is a giant and people would run away

The man sighed as he entered inside a cafe. A waitress saw him and giggled, "Hi! My name's Liz and I will be helping you with your order! What may I offer you, sir?"

The man looked at the screens and saw every type of food. His stomach growled loudly and he clutched it as he felt pain. "Oh my God! You haven't eaten? For how long?" Liz asked as she decided to make him every pastry on the cafe

The order came out and the man ate it quickly. Liz watched the man as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. "What is your name?" Liz asked. The guy looked at her in the eyes, "My name is Dream." "What an odd name!" Liz said as she watched the man eat the pastries

Liz: You haven't been eating?

Dream: I don't have money

Liz: For a guy like you, I didn't expect for you to be poor

Dream: I have a house

Liz: May I see?

Dream: No

His answer sounded a bit rude. Liz frowned and walked back inside. Dream finished eating and walked deeper into the city. He is 20 years old. He wanted to meet someone. Liz was good, but not the way he wanted

Dream walked into the city as he watched people walk, talk, drink, laugh, and some watching TV looking at sports. The man enjoyed it. He watched from outside until he felt a tap on his shoulder

Dream looked to see a man with a blue outfit and a black belt with so many utilities. "What are you doing here?" Dream nervously answered, "I was watching the TV." "Sorry, but we can't have people like you snooping around. You look suspicious."

Dream left as the officer watched him leave. He went back to his duty and Dream sighed. He had no money, no friend, and every thing was horrible. He wanted someone. His parents died from humans. They killed them and Dream was left running. He got the human ability from his mother, who was human

She was killed for falling in love with a giant, Dream's father. He protected his mother, but was killed with a giant harpoon gun. It stabbed through his father's heart as he fell limp, making the ground rumble a little

Dream swore to kill the humans, but after learning that most are innocent, he decided to hide in his makeshift cave house

Dream went back to the forest. He grew to his giant 'normal' size and went to sleep. He wanted to find a way to make friends. He wished he could spill his secret, but how?

He had a crazy idea. Maybe catch one human and take it hostage! Dream pondered as he stood up from his bed. He could take a guy, or a girl, but both would scream their heads off

He needed to be trusted. He decided to go to college. A school for students like him. He is young and at the age to apply. He shrank back to 6'3 and found the college

Man! Being small and running towards it is tiring, Dream thought as he saw the college. It was night, yet he could see lights from the dorms. A principal noticed the tall young man and walked out to greet him, "Hello! May I help you with something?"

Dream gulped and answered, "I want to apply to this college." The principal smiled, "Well, you can! My name's Mrs. Fox! Here at Gator College we welcome any students! Poor to rich!"

Dream smiled as she got to work

Mrs. Fox: What is your name?

Dream: Dream

Mrs. Fox: Odd name, but ok. Where is your residency located?

Dream: In the city

Mrs. Fox: Ok, and finally, when was the last time you went to school?

Dream: I never went. My parents died when I was little

The principal felt sadness. She looked at Dream and said, "Well, here's your ID and these are your keys to your dorm! You will meet your roommate on Monday morning! Have a good night!"

Dream took his ID and his keys. He became giant and ran as quickly as possible. The items were super tiny to him. He placed them on the floor to get them when he shrinks

He slept and hoped to make friends on his first day

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