♥All insecurities are perfect ♥

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// Talks about insecurities like stretch marks and body weight.

Chubby reader! :D

In this story I'm kinda putting my feelings a bit?? This one is a pretty long one
Hopefully this one isn't that confusing

Y/n's POV:

(Forgot to add this in the start of the story but the story takes place at Nicks house)

Me, my boyfriend (Nick) and his friends Dream and George decided that we would go to the beach together tomorrow. I was super excited since we were going to have lots of fun and I really love swimming but the thing is I don't like wearing clothes that expose my body especially bikinis since I have stretch marks and I would always try to avoid the beach or I try to cover up. It was early in the morning Nick and the others downstairs talking about who is going to drive and plans on how they are going to spend the day over at the beach. I was showering and had my hands on my face, I didn't know weather to wear a bikini or not go...

Thoughts in my head were overwhelming me.
I turn off the shower and grabbed my towel to dry myself. I got out and looked at the long mirror at the door showing my whole body.
The long stretch marks and my body shape...
How Can Nick love me when I look like this
He's never seen me with my body exposed but if he did he would definitely leave me.

My eyes were getting glossy and tears wanting  to spill out from just looking at my body and listening to my thoughts in my head. I all of the sudden heard a knock on the door. "Yes?" Trying to sound normal and drying the bit of tears that went down my face. "Me and the others decided to go to the mall to shop the things we need for tomorrow get changed so we can go ok?" He said in a exciting tone. "Yea sure i will be downstairs since I'm done changing" I said as start putting on my clothes quick. I get out of the bathroom and went straight to nicks room picking out clothes I will wear. I picked out a y/f/c crew neck sweater and mom jeans with some white Nike Airs. I brush my hair fixing it a little and adding a bit of eyeliner. I grab my phone and purse going downstairs to find Nick and the others waiting for me. "Who's gonna drive?" "I am" Nick said with a smile. I give him a small smile and we all walk to the car. Dream and George fighting like kids in the back and I sit in the front with Nick.
Nick starts the car and we leave, Nick puts his hand on my thigh, I look at him and I see him smiling and looking at the road. I smile back putting my hand on his the rest of the drive like that never leaving my hand on his. We get to the parking lot of the mall and Nick finding a parking spot, we park and get out of the car.

We all get to the mall going to different stores and acting like crack heads, until we found a store that sells swimsuits and bikinis for women. I look at the store and I looked back at Nick who was already staring at me. I look back at the store, knowing what happened today and thinking about it again, I decided to go and try on some since i had a bit of confidence and I didn't want to tell Nick that I felt uncomfortable with exposing my body and feeling like I didn't want to go to the beach because of that. "We can go together and leave these dumbasses here" he said looking back at them, "yea sure" you said. "Clay! I'm going to a store with y/n you dumbasses can stay here or go somewhere I'll let you guys know when we're done." " ok babe" he said "hey!" George said punching clays arm. We started laughing and went our separate ways.

My smile faded when we got in the store, I was starting to regret my decision of going. Thoughts in my head were starting to hunt me. If Nick sees that I will go with a t shirt at the beach and go to swim like that he will find it weird and the others too you thought. In the store there was a lot of girls...
Skinny girls some with their friends others alone and here I was, the only one who wasn't like them. "Hey you ok?" Nick said.
"Huh oh uh yea just looking at the swimsuits" I said with a fake giggle. I looked at the swimsuits and their was one that caught my attention. It was a bikini and it was f/c with f/c strips. It looked pretty but unfortunately it was a two piece but I had to do it and I wanted to see what I would look in a bikini, this kind of confidence came over me a bit. I get the two piece showing it to Nick, he smiled and looked at me "go try it on I know you will look h o t" I giggled a bit and we went to the dressing room, there was 8 stalls and I went to the first one. I close the door and Nick waiting for me outside the door. I look at the full mirror that was in the side. I started taking off my shoes and my clothes but when I did i looked at myself into the mirror remembering what happened this morning as I was starting to get nervous I take the two piece and put it on.
Now looking at myself...

Sapnap x reader Oneshots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora