I'm still working on it little by little but I don't think I made any progress. Wat is hard to read, he only shows what he wants to show and keep everything on his own and it makes me frustrated. However I can't hate him for that maybe he got used to it. Bottling his emotions then keeping it aside and won't let anyone knew what he truly feels.

I can't do anything about it. If he doesn't want to then it's fine by me. I just have to be there for him. With that thought I didn't realized that I fell asleep.


My palms are sweating and my heart is pounding. However I manage to show my face to our whole family. Today is our family reunion in my Mother side. Mom came from a wealthy family but then he married a simple guy which is Dad making our family the centered of attention. Receiving critics but then I admired Mom who still remain strong because she manage things well on her own. Or maybe because of Type. My brother. If it weren't from him I'm sure they will treat us the same. Type is our pride in our family.

He's the perfect son in everyone's eyes. Well he's actually have a position in a big company but then he resigned because he chose to work as a left hand of Mr.Guntithanon. I don't know how much he earned to even decided to let go of that opportunity but after knowing that he works under the Guntithanon our relatives respect him more than ever. Whoever the heck this Guntithanon anyway? Well after searching in the web I found out that they own a successful group of companies here and there that made them well-known but still I can't manage to think that Type called Master is Sarawat's Grandfather and by just thinking of that makes me feel weird.

"Hello there Lhea, as usual your all stunning. Specially Type"

I want to roll my eyes hearing Aunt Luna saying that. I saw Mom and Type smiled at her.

"How come Tine is here too?"

"Oh yeah my dear son cleared his schedule for this special night"

Mom said as she gave me a slight squeezed in my hand.

"Busy for what?"

I felt annoyance by just hearing her mocking tone. This is the reason why I don't like such

"You know school works. Academics are not the same back then Luna"

Mom said.

"Oh really? Last time my daughter saw you at the club. You're sure having fun with your friends"

That's it. I had enough.

"Yeah I did Auntie. And I'm sure Lanya had too, considering the fact that she's there?"

I saw the shock in her face. I don't want to came as rude but I also have patience that sometimes ran out. I can't keep calm everytime.

"Well my daughter sometimes go there with her friends. You know, celebrating their achievements?"

I want to roll my eyes at that. Sure, okay fine. I just want the ground to swallow me right now.

"I'm sure my son too. It's not bad to enjoy after all they are still young. There are just too much of things to explore"

Mom said defending me with her soft tone voice.

"But Type never did even once. Well whatever. They said that the youngest is the one who always cause troubles anyway"

Aunt Luna said and laughed. It irritates me.

"Mom can I go to the restroom?"

Mom looked at me and I saw the worry in her eyes. Type too but then I ignored it. I left without even a glance to Aunt Luna she's really getting on my nerves and as much as I want to defend myself I can't because she's right. She just stating facts. That I always caused troubles, I'm always the bad one and someone should stay hidden in the background not like Type who's perfect and a good son.

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