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    The moon had risen earlier then usual and the crickets serenaded her as she took her place as queen of the night sky. It was a warm summer night and a breeze flitted between the tree as the leaves swayed to its every command.
     In a little clearing in the woods the cry of a women peirced through the natural symphony of the world around. The pain she was feeling was the worst she had ever felt in her life. Tears mixed with beads of sweat ran down her face as she gave a final push.
     Her pain was forgotten the moment she heard a small cry fill her ears. A small bundle was handed to her. The babies eyes were closed as his crying turned into small whimpers. His chest moved up and down rhythmically and that was all that mattered to the new mother.
Just as soon as she thought she was out of the woods a searing pain ran through her abdomen. Her tiny bundle was pulled out of her arms as she cried out.
The her mother bent over the young woman, "Faye there's another baby."
"Curse you Elijah Mikaelson." Faye spat out as she got ready to push for a second time. It was going to be a very long night.
   Three Years Later

  Like all mothers the night of the twins birth was forever imprinted in Faye's mind.  She hated Elijah Mikaelson for just using her the night her twins were concived but she was greatful that he had gifted her with the twins.
Her trail of thought was soon broken by her father who walked through the door of their small hut, " Faye I have found you a husband. One that will take care of you."
Fay looked at her father skeptically as she put her mother's grimoire, " Are you sure he's not gonna run for the hills. I mean most of my suitors do when they find out that I have kids."
At the mention of Faye's three year old twins her father's eyes darted around the room. Faye slowly stepped forward, "You did tell him I have kids right."
Finally her father looked at her," Faye I didn't. You need a husband. Me and your mother won't always be around and you need a husband to provide for you."
"What about my children father?! Who will provide for them."
"Im sure your mother's brother could use some help around his homestead."
"Arne is cruel to his own family. He won't look after my children. I won't marry if my children aren't going to be excepted."
" Joseph is a good man and he will take care of you. The children might not be treated well by your uncle but they will be sheltered from the beasts and they will have food. Come next harvest you will be married and the children gone. That is finale."
With a grunt Faye's father walked out. Harvest was in a couple of days and Faye would be saying goodbye to her children. She felt sick to the stomach. She needed to find a way to help her children.
    As the days past and the day of harvest grew nearer Faye started to panic. She prayed and pleaded to whatever god that would listen. She needed a miracle. And whatever god was listening answered her pleas. Her miracle came in the form of a tall, brunette woman.
As Faye sat outside of her parents house watching her children play in the falling leaves, a women slowly walked out into the clearing. She came from the south and at first Faye thought the woman was a mirage but as the brunette started to get closer Faye realised how wrong she was. The tall women towered over Faye's form and introduced herself, " My name is Dahlia."
     After talking to Dahlia Faye felt like rejoicing. Dahlia was promised the first borns of every Mikealson. In any other circumstance Faye would have never given up her children but this was the miracle that she had prayed for. Dahlia said all would be provided for the children and they would be taken care of properly. They would also be taught magic under her guidance.
In their last moments together Faye knelt before her twins and explained what was going to happen, " This is Dahlia. She is gonna take care of you. She will teach you everything you need to know. And you must obey her. She knows what's best for you my loves. But don't ever forget me."
"Yes mother." Both children replied.
Faye nodded and placed her hand above both their hearts. She blessed both of them and bounded her magic to both her children equally.
"Erik and Sigrid I love you both so much and that is why you have to leave. I will always love you both. Forever and always."
The two three year olds bid their mother goodbye before each of them grabbed one of  Dahlia's hand and disappeared into the forest. Faye smiled as tears slid down her face, "Forever and always."

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