"Man I'm not about to play games witchu cuhs just bring yo ass here" He replied smartly

"You can dead allat shit now cuhz I'm not bout to follow yo orders you got me fucked up" I snapped

"Oh my God bruh. Legend can you just come" He said and I just hung up the phone then pulled off heading to his house

I rung the doorbell a few times then waited for him to open the door. When he opened it he just looked at me so I invited myself in moving him out the way then going straight to the kitchen

I grabbed some hot Cheetos and some fruit snacks then walked to his room and sat down on the bed. I got on my phone going to subway surfers and started playing while eating my snacks

I heard somebody walk in and close the door, I knew it was him so I didn't even look



"Let's talk"

"About?" I spoke nonchalantly on purpose and put more fruit snacks in my mouth

He tried talking but I turned up the volume so the only thing I heard was the music of subway surfers playing

"Stop fucking playin wimme" He snatched my phone out my hand and threw it across the room on the carpet and I laughed unintentionally

"Kj I swear to god if my phone broke I'm gonna beat cho ass" I said getting up but he lightly pushed me making me sit back down

Okay now he just tryna piss me off

"Stop playin so much bro you're childish use yo mouth. You sittin here laughing like shit is a game ion find nothin funny"

"Aight you wanna talk? Let's talk" I put my stuff down looking at him

"Because I wanna know why THE FUCK I got left on seen 6 days ago for the pettiest reason ever. Like lately you've been real distant and just been getting comfortable with ignoring me for long periods of time and I'm not fuckin wit that" I said and he smacked his lips

"It wasn't no petty reason, you always blocking out yo emotions putting up a front like you good knowing damn well you ain't good and it pisses me off. All I asked was why you go to therapy and you wanna catch a whole attitude blowing shit off. stop being weird and just keep it real wimme because I'm always real witchu" He said

I just sat there looking around not saying nothing while he starred a whole in my face

"Not to long ago I was diagnosed with this disorder, It's called Atypical Depression. It comes and leaves when it wants to. I used to go to therapy 3 times a week for it. My granny and my therapist were the only people I ever opened up to about my problems because I just can't talk to my parents or other people about stuff like that"

"After months of going I started to feel good and I felt okay so I stopped going, bad idea. I wasn't done fully healing so when I found out Jay died and that my granny was sick it hit hard plus all the problems I was already having"

"I felt lonely around people and I felt like I had nobody so I started talking to my therapist again, She gave me anxiety pills for now because I'm doing better and I only take them when I want. I don't tell nobody because it ain't nobody business and ion want the sympathy. I'm doing way better now that's why when you asked I brushed you off because I'm fine now and ion wanna speak about the past anymore" I shrugged

"So all this time that you been helping me you been sad and ain't tell me?" He asked

"I had to make sure you was straight, Imma be good regardless I got myself" I shrugged

"No because I could've helped you wit shit like that. I could've done more, I could've listened. You just being hardheaded it don't matter what I was going through if you going through sum shit then tell me" He spoke seriously

"You wasn't in the right mind the to even listen you gotta deal with your own problems you don't need mine too"

"See now you finna piss me off bruh, if you feel some type of way about anything and I mean anything tell me I can fix it or I can help you with whatever you going through. We can help each other that's what i'm here for"

"I fuck witchu and imma be right here whenever you need me" He spoke and my eyes began to water, I've been tryna hold on my tear for the longest but my emotions is taking control

"Cmere man" He pulled me into a hug

"Kemani I don't want to hurt you" I told him honestly, this past week actually gave me time to think

"Whatchu mean you don't wanna hurt me?" He asked

"I'm still healing. I don't want to break our bond because my mentality is fucked up and toxic. I don't need a relationship right now I just need a friend, can you be that until I'm ready?"

"Yea we can be friends I'm not rushing you into anything mama, imma always be here for whatever relationship or not. It ain't no rush focus on you before anything" He rubbed my back and I sat there taking it what he was telling me

"I just wanna be able to give my all if we ever get in a relationship because that's what you deserve, you treat me right. It's nothing wrong with you I just need to focus on myself" I reassured

"Aight, I respect you for being honest" He said rubbing my back and we sat there in silence

"You can do you but when I call you back home you better drop them hoes like a bad habit" I said wiping my face and he laughed making me laugh

"Shut up bruh"

They bacc friends💙.

Vote for next chapter💕.

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