
27 1 0

And the walls begin to shatter,
You can here the noisy clatter;
You can sense the storm clouds rolling in,
You realize what a mess you're in;
You're walking on Rocky ground,
And Your heart begins to pound,
You want to scream but make no sound.
You feel yourself fall,
Into the sea, you try to call;
To anyone who can hear,
As you're holding back your tears.
You're holding on to the edge,
Trying not to let go of the ledge.
You her someone call: "Who's out there?"
Just when you thought no one cared.
You scream to them, tell you where you are.
You feel hope fill your heart.
They pull you up, and pull you close,
You look around, it's a clear coast.
The clouds are gone, the sun is here,
Your eyes no longer filled with tears;
Then you realize, the walls have been saved!
And finally, you feel safe.

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