Chapter 1: The Blessed Voyage

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The sea breeze trickled through the harbor on this pleasant Wednesday morning. It was a rare and momentous occasion where both rich and poor gathered to enjoy the ocean wonder labeled The Titanic. The docks were packed full of an assortment of people from the prim and proper nobles, the decorated and worn out waitstaff, to the swarms of families trying to keep their grease stained children in place. Bags and luggage were being hoisted, loaded, and ditched every which way as the ship moved closer to it's departure. A carriage wheeled it's way towards the upper class ramp zone. A thin man in fresh leather shoes, an olive complexion, and a fine linen suit engraved lightly with a snake around the wrist walked out of the carriage with a bounce in his step. He placed a red curl that had fallen into his eyes behind his ear and took a deep breath of the salty atmosphere. Even though the individual didn't need to breathe oxygen like the mortals, he did enjoy the earthly pleasures of respiration, especially when near the coast.''Under what name should I register your luggage sir?" The man turned around towards the blue uniformed staff. "Anthony J. Crowley '' the man said in a casual manner. "But I go by Mr. Crowley to you." With a sway of the hips he began to stroll towards the ticket checkpoint while peeling off his travel gloves. "Mr. Crowley sorry to bother you once again but I'm afraid that the luggage tag will need your full middle name" With his back still turned, Crowley froze. No one had actually inquired about his middle initials true meaning. So on a whim he stated the first thing that came to mind. "Janthony." The staff man gave Crowley a puzzled look. "Anthony? Janthony? Crowley?" In a calm manner he replied "It's a family name" and was off. Though this was an assignment Crowley wanted to enjoy his small getaway. He had earned dibs on this one in a game of poker that he earned fair and square-ish. Hell had sensed a large blessing over the ship during Its construction process. It was assumed that it was an answer to a measly prayer from the architect, pathetic. So Hell had sent Crowley out on accounts of chaos with an unlimited usage of demonic miracles but all still logged and recorded.Crowley was ready to board despite everyone else was not ready for him. So he used one of his miracles to bypass the flea and tick search checkpoint to be able to get a head start on the complimentary greeting with the captain. As he approached the captain Crowley noticed that he was already talking to another passenger. He sensed a strange dampened feeling that he couldn't put his finger on as he drew closer to the two people. The passenger shook hands with the captain and began to trot up to the entrance. Crowley was quickly briefly met with a pair of sapphire eyes before continuing to meet the captain. "A quick temptation to set things in motion will get hell of my back for a few hours" Crowley muttered to himself before placing on his kiss-ass smile. "You must be the soon famed Captain Smith" Crowley said as he gave the captain a rather loose handshake. Captain Smith gave off a chuckle and replied with "it would seem so! I am quite honored to be the first to maneuver this beautiful ship" Crowley casually leaned against the ramp guard rail and lit a cigar. "I heard that they are calling this the unsinkable ship, captain." He offered the captain a cigar to which he declined. "I'll take a reign check on the cigar I need to look professional just for the moment." Crowley placed the cigar back into his inner pocket. "Suit yourself." The captain gazed up at the bold letters on the side of the ship. "This ship couldn't even be sunk by God." Crowley gave off a devilish smirk. "We'll put that to the test" he whispered. "Pardon me I didn't hear you, sir" Crowley returned back to his act and replied "I said it was an honor to meet you sir and I hope I could persuade you to join me for dinner tonight." The captain gave Crowley a departing handshake "I will plan on it Mr...?" "It is Mr. Crowley."The interior of the ship was as majestic as the outside of it. The marble statues were polished to the point that they glisten in the light. The chandeliers were lit with surprisingly light bulbs. "The captain seemed like a pleasant individual." The man said cheerily to himself as he beeboped through first class...looking for second class. The patches on the man's worn down beige jacket were beginning to fall off and his bow tie was loosing some threads. He ran into a staff member "excuse me kind sir, I was wondering if you could guide me in the right direction to my room I have gotten A little lost." The upper class staff member looked at the man up and down smuggly. "You are definitely in the wrong place, scum. Go down the elevator to the left and find a lower deck person to deal with you" then the man briskly walked away to meet the needs of the other guests."W-w-what a rude man! If it is such an issue then they should have hired a cartographer to make a map of this place." Next to the elevator there was a mirror. The man then adjusted himself a bit so he appeared a bit more modest. He rustled his frizzy golden curls with his hands and smudged the bit of dirt that rested on his cheek. He started to walk to the elevator while brushing the dust off of his suitcase when his foot got caught on a ripple in the red velvet carpet. In a flash he toppled forward into another man who was in front of him. "What the blazes are -" Crowley started to bark but then looked at the stranger who had topled him over. It was the sapphire eyed man. His eyes glimmered but were struck with embarrassment. Crowley began to drown in them anyways. "I am so terribly sorry sir I didn't mean to run into you. I hope I did not injure you." The sapphire man then stood up and reached to offer his hand to the man. Crowley took it without leaving his gaze. "It was just a measly fall, no need to bumble about it. What's your name lad?" The man gave a warm heavenly smile and said "Aziraphale Bookhaven, but you may call me whatever you'd like" Crowley gave Aziraphale a grin "Well Aziraphale it is VERY nice to meet you...would you like to join me as my guest at dinner tonight. Aziraphale gave the skinny man a blankish face. "I am not declining you in any way but isn't the guest spot at a banquet left for ahem a special lady?" Crowley looked at him with his miracled brown eyes. "Usually, but tonight I'd rather dine with a special man." Aziraphale's eyes widened; he hadn't been approached by any mortal in this way before, but he wasn't about to decline the opportunity at a free fancy meal. "Um well I humbly accept, but I fear I am a little underdressed" Crowley took a minute and realized what the poor man was talking about.He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen and paper and scribbled someone down. He handed the card to Aziraphale. "Hand this card to any of the waitstaff in the upper class around 6 o'clock and they'll escort you to my room. I'll have a suit fitted for you then." Aziraphale gently grabbed the card from his hand and placed it in his pocket without looking at it. "Thank you so much for your kindness sir." Crowley then for the first time in a few thousand years softened for a moment. "Please, call me Crowley."Aziraphale gave another warm smile and said "I guess I shall see you later at our dinner date. Goodbye for now." Then he slipped towards the elevator. Crowley was then stuck in one spot in awe. "A dinner date huh?" He then began walking to his room with a swing in his step. "Aziraphale Bookhaven...yeah he is definitely an angel."

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