(Part 11)

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     Once the panic from her nightmare faded, Hange was able to fall back asleep with you in her arms. The rest of the night faded fast for the both of you as you slept peacefully. 

     You woke up before Hange did. Her room was gently lit up by the morning sun. It was a little cold, but her blankets and body heat kept you warm. You didn't want to move out of fear that you would wake her up. You move your warm up to your face, slowly and gently, to rub your eyes and wipe away any crust that had formed while you were asleep. Your movements caused Hange to pull you closer and let out a deep breath while she was still asleep. "... so cute..", she mumbles quietly. "when she laughs.." her words were hard to hear, but you were close enough to understand them.

     After about an hour of listening to her mumble nonsense, she began to stretch as she woke up. "Goodmorning." you say quietly. "Morning." she says mid-yawn. "What's the plan for today?", she asks. "Well we need to figure out what those bones are and then take pictures of them to turn in.", you say. "And maybe hang out a little more before I go home." "Sounds like a plan. But first, breakfast.", she says as she sits up and stretches her whole body. Your stomach growls in agreement. 

     You both get dressed and get ready to leave for breakfast. You both agree on a restaurant and order to go. "There's a really small park nearby. Let's eat there.", she suggests. You agree and Hange drives you to a nearby park where  you set up your food on a picnic table. It was a cute place with a small pond and was surrounded by bushes that had pink flowers on them. 

     A curious squirrel inspects you both. It scampers closer and closer with a cautions look. You and Hange try to keep your chuckles as quiet as possible so you don't scare it. She rips off a small piece of a pancake she orders and throws it in it's direction. It happily takes it and runs up a tree with the piece of pancake.  Not much time later, two more squirrels show up. They were smaller, maybe even babies. "Oh my god.", she says quietly with a huge smile. "This is the best fucking moment of my life.", she begins to rip away more of her pancake into pieces. The small family of squirrels happily take the food and squeak as if to say thank you before running away. 

     After your breakfast picnic, you head back to Hange's house. There, you continue on your extra credit project. "This is so gross.", you say in disgust as you look over at the small bones laid out in front of you on a paper towel. Hange assisted by taking pictures of each bone to print out for later. She had also found a helpful website that has pictures and descriptions of different animal bones. With enough grim research, you were able to identify the bones as a raccoon pelvis, a coyote jaw, and a rabbit's shoulder blade.  While it was gross, it was worth the extra credit.

     That next school week, you turn in your work and watched as your grade in the class goes from an F to a D. It was improvement that made both you and Hange smile. She made sure to tell you how proud she was multiple times that day. Hange spent every day making sure you paid attention in class. You would often go to her house after school for tutoring which slowly turned into dates. Life started to improve greatly as your D turned into an A and your childhood best friend turned into the love of your life. 

(Thank you so much for reading my first AOT fanfiction. I hope it wasn't too disappointing. I am working on many other stories so if you enjoyed this maybe you should check out my others. Stay safe and remember I love you <3)

Science Partners (Modern Highschool AU Hange x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن