(Part 1)

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  You watch as your 5th period anatomy teacher hands back the test from earlier this week. Thankfully it's Friday and you can spend the weekend forgetting about the stress that's been weighing you and your grades down. You keep promising yourself you'll actually crack down and start studying, but that's a promise you keep breaking. It's like a never ending cycle. You're too stressed to study, then you're stressed because you fail your tests, and then it starts all over again. You can feel the sweat form in your palms and chill your body as is leaks down your sides. Gross.

   Meanwhile, your table is shaking. Not because of your antsy leg bouncing from anxiety, but because of your bouncy friend to the right of you. Classic Hange. She always gets these huge sparkles in her eyes when graded work gets handed back. Then again, it could just be the lights reflecting off her glasses. Either way she's obviously very excited and confident about her test score. "Calm down Hange. Here you go.", your teacher slightly chuckles under her breath as she hands back the test that is quickly snatched from her hands. 

  "AHAHAHAHA YES! ANOTHER EASY A!!" she squeals just a little too loud. You smile and congratulate your friend. You've always admired her hardworking attitude. Your teacher says nothing as she slips your test over to you. A big 64 was written in red ink. "Oh come on! You told me you didn't need help studying!" Hange playfully punches your shoulder. You flash her a small apologetic smile. "Really though....what's been up with you recently? You've been a little extra quiet. More than usual. Where'd my (Y/N) go?" Her words caught you off guard. She was right though. 

   You and Hange grew up together. She was always loud, rambunctious, and knew exactly how to get you out of your shell. You used to spend summers together playing outside under the carefree sky. You would spend the night at each others houses so often it got to the point that you didn't even have to notify your parents. You wish now that you really indulged in those moments more. Things are different now. You're constantly stressed with no real idea on what's causing it. Maybe it's everything. Maybe it's the thought of losing everything. It's junior year and childhood is slipping away day after day. So, Hange was right. You got quieter. In fact you can't remember the last time you had a real conversation with her. 

     "Hey! (Y/N) in wonderland! I'm talking to you!", she waved her hand frantically in front of your face. You try to think of an excuse as to why you failed. She could tell you were bullshitting before you even uttered a word. "Look I'm not giving you anymore chances. The second we start a new chapter, you're coming over and we're going over it together. I know you're smart (Y/N) and I know you can do this. Plus I've missed our hangouts. Whatever you're going through we can go through together.", she gave you hopefully smile that mixed well with her determined eyes. You couldn't help but smile too. It felt nice not having to force it.

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