Oh the tangled webs we weave

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Harry left the library with a much lighter heart. He had found someone, someone that he could see himself loving as much as he had Ginny. Anaya was just the girl he had been looking for, smart, cunning and brave. If he never made it back to the future he could see himself living very happily with her for the rest of his life and he hadn't even known her that long! He turned to the portrait hole and was about to say the password when James's call stopped him.

"Harry!" James called as he ran towards him. "You don't want to go in there!"

Harry looked at his father in confusion. "Why would I not want to go in there James?"

"Lil's as mad as a hornets nest and if you want to keep your head you'll run now!" James grimaced.

"She's that mad eh?" Harry looked shocked.

"Mad is not the word for it Harry." James paled. "She's out for blood and looking for yours."

"Oh bugger." Harry grimaced. "I had hoped she had calmed down by now."

"Well she had, that was until she went to find you and mate, did she ever find you!" James looked around before finishing. "She came back to the common room ranting about how you were oh so cozy with that Ravenclaw girl in the library."

"Oh my." Harry paled.

"Harry Was this really worth making her this mad?" James raised an


"I can't tell you why James but yes." Harry sighed. "Well better get this over with."

"Good luck!" James called as Harry entered the portrait hole.

The moment Harry had entered the portrait hole Lily descended on him like a poisonous viper attacking it's prey.

"You despicable, cheating, lying jerk!" Lily screamed as she advanced

on Harry.

"I never lied to you!" Harry countered. "I told you we would see where it lead us and nothing more! I am not a cheater either! I never once said I would date only you. You assumed and that is what has caused you this pain Lili, not me."

Lili gaped at him, then her eyes started to water. "Do you love me at all?" She whispered.

"Yes Lili, I do love you. But not in the way you love me." Harry placed a hand on her shoulder. "I love you as a friend and as an exceptional woman, but I cannot love you the way you want me to Lily, I'm sorry."

With a strangled sob Lily tore his hand off of her shoulder and bolted out the portrait hole.

"Lil's!" James called after her.

"Go to her mate." Harry whispered as James looked at him in panic.

"It's time for her to see how much she needs you."

James nodded and left through the portrait hole as Harry turned to face the crowed that had hung around the common room.

"There's nothing more to see here." He said as he left the room and went to his dormitory.

Harry had just closed his door to his room when there was a knock on it. He opened the door and Sirius, Remus and Peter were standing there, glaring at him.

"I assume you want an explanation?" Harry drawled, they nodded. "Fine, you two can come in but Peter has to stay out!"

They looked at Peter in surprise, he shrugged and they entered the door, closing it behind them.

"Have a seat." Harry told them as he went to stand beside the window. "Your going to need it."

They took the seats that Harry indicated and listened with intent.

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