The decision.

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"Are you sure he's still out?" Harry heard a voice whisper.

"Master said he'd be out for a while this time." Another voice awnsered. "After all he did take quite the beating before the master had let up on him."

"What if he remembers?" The first voice had asked. "What if he doesn't join?"

"Then he dies, simple as that." The second voice said cruelly.

Harry stayed still, eyes closed until he heard the foot steps walk away from him. Then he tried to move and a searing pain shot through his body making him bite back a scream. He tried frantically to figure out where he was and as he searched his mind he saw the rubble that should have been the Dursley's home. Then he saw the bodies of everyone he had loved strewn around the Burrow's grounds and Hermione fall as the killing curse hit her. They were all gone, he had nothing left. Harry felt a hot tear burn down his cheek and bit his lip from the pain. He would never allow them to see how hurt he was or how wounded his heart had become. The foot steps were coming back.

"So why are we cleaning his wounds again?" Harry heard a very familiar voice drawl. "If the master believes that he'll not joins us then what's the point?"

"Because Draco, the master is hoping that Mr. Potter here will join us." An older man stated. "Even if the master assumes that he won't we must still make him pressentable for the master. After all, we can't present a hopeful as a bloody and mangled mess now can we?"

"But why can't the house elves do it then?" Draco whined. "Why must we?"

"There are none available at this moment and stop your whining!" The man spat. "Honestly if this is going to be how you act you might as well not have joined. At least Potter didn't whine, not even as he was being tortured. The man just bit his lip but never cried out and here you are whining about cleaning his wounds? You should be dying for the privilidge Draco!"

"Not bloody likely father!" Even in the response Harry could hear Draco's pout.

:So they plan to present me to Voldemort as a hopeful.: Harry thought as he winced from the pain. :Wonder why.:

"Father, He's awake!" Draco started as he saw Harry's face contort.

"Well, Well Mr. Potter." Lucius came around to face Harry. "Welcome back. This will all be over shortly so I would advise you not to fight us."

Harry just simply glared at Lucius.

"Very well." Lucius grinned evilly. "Draco!" He spat at his son. " Clean his front while I tend to his greater wounds in the back!"

With a groan Draco started to wipe the blood off Harry's face and arms.

It was a moment before Draco spoke again. "So why would the master want Potter to join him? After all it's not like he's ever been a supporter."

"He wants him because of Mr. Potter's power Draco. Harry is a very powerful wizard by all rights and if Harry had not been taken by surprise then I am quite sure he could have defeated the master." Lucius explained. "Now stop asking questions and get on with the cleaning!"

"I'm done!" Draco replied hotly. "There's no blood left on him."

"I'm nearly done here as well, go fetch the clothes." He told Draco.

Draco stormed out of the cell and returned shortly after that with a neat set of wizard robes. "Here!" He spat as he slammed them down on the bed. Then turned to go.

"Don't you dare leave Draco!" Lucius said to his son's retreating back.

Draco stopped in his tracks and whirled around. "And why not? I didn't sign on to be Potter's bloody nurse!"

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