The Monster In The Mirror

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Staring at your reflection

The same old monster you always see

You think you're never good enough

A mistake, that's what they always say

You're not sure

I'm not sure, either

I'm staring at myself

Looking at the same old monster that I always see

I can't make it out

I can't figure out why they say these things

I'll never be able to

I'm just that monster

They say I'm not

I tell them to not treat me like one if I'm not

And they do the same old thing

I'm the same old monster

I can see the fog clearing behind me

But I can't see much

Because of this shattered mirror

It distorts my face

But I don't need to see myself

To know that I'm that same old monster

I've always been that monster

I may not have seen it

But you saw it

I'm staring at my reflection

Wondering what I did to become this monster

I'll never know

But you do

I don't belong here

But you do

I'm that same old monster in the mirror

Jared JoseyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora