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   Nora opted to stay with Neville that night, cuddled up in his bed with all curtains drawn, she wore his sweater again, taking in his scent, listening to the soft slow breaths that escaped his lips and the steady beating of his heart as he slept. Occasionally looking up at him and smiling softly at the beautiful boy whose arms were wrapped around her, his touch gentle. Holding on to her like a childhood teddy bear he couldn't bare to part with.  She fell asleep feeling completely loved and at peace.

   Now it was Nevilles turn to stare. With the birds chirping softly outside of the window, steady soft beams of sunlight seeping in through the drawn curtains. Neville awoke breathing in the scent of the beautiful girl laid across his bare chest. She was warm, and he felt as though she was the most beautiful flower in the greenhouse. Holding her softly as though not to break her. He kissed the top of her head lightly. Feeling her heart beat against his bare skin, hearing her slow, steady breathing, her hair fell so perfectly around her beautiful face and he felt as though he could stay like this forever.

   "Mm. goodmorning Nev." Nora whispered softly, looking up at him, smiling softly.

   "Goodmorning, dove." He responded, running his hands through her hair, tracing figure eight on her arms softly with the other. They could hear the other boys beginning to wake up but could not care any less.

   "Neville, when are you going to- oh sorry." Ron said opening the curtain around Neville's bed. Nora laughed slightly sitting up and  stepping off the bed.

   "That's okay Ron, can you hand me my sweats please?" Nora asked, pointing to wear her pants lay on the floor. "I got hot in the middle of the night." She added, looking around at all the wide eyed boys staring at her, though Ron acted like it was nothing and handed her the sweat pants she had been wearing the night before.

   "Guys, you can't even see anything, that jumper is so big she could wear it as a dress." Ron laughed as Nora headed into the bathroom to get changed.

   The group headed down to breakfast in their pajamas, where they met up with Hermione, Blaise, Cedric, Ginny, and Luna.

   "Hi gorgeous." Fred called out to Nora from across the table, earning him a nasty look from Neville.

   "Good morning Freddie." She responded walking to give the twins and Lee a hug.

   "Sleeping with Neville again?" Cedric blurted out causing everyone to laugh.

    "Shut it you prat." Nora responded, hitting the top of his head. "Besides, how was your night with Cho? Last I checked, you were a HUfflepuff." She teased causing Cedric to look down at his tie, and rush to switch with Cho. The group continued laughing as they ate, Nora and Neville stealing quick glances at each other from across the table. The owls flooded in shortly after dropping package after package to the students dropping two small envelopes to Nora and Neville.

   "It's Gran!"

   "My dad!"

   ' My sweet girl.

I got a dog. Well I found a dog, tiny little thing, I named her Pheonix, she's  the sweetest ever, you will love her. I hope things are better with Neville. Tell him how you feel before you lose him alright? Just don't make me a grandfather, I am far too young and handsome. Augusta has been having a difficult time as of late, she fell ill last week, she's getting better though, I've been over taking care of her. Tell Neville that she is doing better, I wrote to him a few days ago telling him, I'm afraid to worry him too much so please, let him know. She didn't want me to tell him at all so I don't need him blabbing off to her. She got a cat, maed him Salem, he's a beaut as well. See you soon.

   Much love,
      Your perfect, amazing, absolutely hilarious, very handsome father,'

   "Well, my dad got a dog." Nora sighed laughing at his signature, yet confused at his last line.

   "Gran got a cat."

   "I know, also dad wants me to tell you that your Gran is doing better, and not to tell her you know because she didn't want him telling you."


   The two finshed their short conversation and got up from the table. As they walked slowly in a comfortable silence Neville reached put to grab Noras hand, tracing circles on her knuckles with his thumb.

   "Date, Friday, by the black lake, wear something nice." Neville said quickly kissing her forehead and walking away. Nora stood confused but decided to go to her dorm and get changed into some real clothes so she could hang out with Hermione, Ginny, Blaise, and Luna to tell them all about her night.

   "You woke up to him staring at you? Gross" Ginny said

   "Cute!" Hermione exclaimed.

   "Creepy." Blaise sighed.

   "You were probably drooling on him." Luna added dreamily. Blaise was eyeing her longingly as Hermione and Ginny stared.

   "Keep it in your pants Blaise." Nora coughed, causing Blaise to jump out of his dreamlike state and stare Nora down.

   "Says the girl who-   um hello Professor.." Blaise started, the group all looked up to see Professor Dumbledore standing over them.

   "I suppose you all weren't expecting to see me, I need to speak with Nora." The old professor said calmly. Nora got up nervously and followed Dumbledore to his office. Before he said the password he looked to Nora. "Before we enter my office, I have been advised to do this." He said, and handed her a blindfold. Confused as she may be she put it on, and he guided her up the stairs and through the doors.

   "You may take it off now." He exclaimed, and she did. When she opened her eyes she froze on the spot, unable to find words to put together how extremely excited she was.

   "Dad!? But how? You're a muggle I-" She exclaimed, running to hug her father.

   "I've been talking to Professor Dumbledore here and he has agreed to let me come and stay to watch the um.. competition? Thing?" He responded wrapping his daughter into a tight hug. When Nora broke away she ran to hug the smiling Headmaster and thanked him profusely.

   "Come on! You need to meet my friends!" She yelled, dragging her dad out the doors, and down to where she had just been with her friends, and as she suspected they were still there, all waiting for her.

   "Guys! This is my dad!" She exclaimed, introducing him to each of them one by one. They laughed and talked for a while before her dad wanted to see the rest of the school, so she showed him around, and even showed him the giant squid in the lake.

   "This place is insane." He exclaimed as they walked around some more, she showed him to the Gryffindor common room so they could sit and talk.

   "So this is where Neville comes everyday, my common room is in the dungeons by the Hufflepuff common room and the kitchens. Oh! I wonder if Neville is up in his dorm!" Nora exclaimed running up the stairs with her dad close behind and knocking.
   "Neville are you in there? It's me! Nora.' She questioned when she heard some moving and the door opened.

   "Hi do- Adam!?" He exclaimed, giving Nora's dad a brief hug.

   "Can we come in?" Adam asked, Neville nodded and stepped aside letting them both in. Nora plopped onto Neville's bed, Neville sat next to her and slid his hand close to hers, linking their pinkies together discretely. Adam eyed the two and looked down at their hands before yelling.

   "I knew it! Called it! Ohhh Augusta owes me so much money now!" He said jumping up and doing a short victory dance. Nora and Neville looked at each other and laughed before Neville held her hand completely now.

   "Well, wanna go watch some quidditch so Nora can finish gossiping with her friends as I am so very sure she had been doing?" Neville asked, standing up.

   "Quidditch?" Adam asked looking intrigued, following Neville out of the dorm.

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