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Nora, the sweet halfblood who lost her mother during the first wizarding world, moved with her muggle father to get a fresh start away from the pain that the loss had caused, Noras mother was murdered by a group of Death Eaters who were convinced that she knew where the Potter's lived.

On her 8th birthday, Nora began showing signs of magic, which frightened her father, Adam, seeing as his young daughter accidentally set their kitchen table on fire, burning down half the house, so they packed up, and moved.

There neighbors, Augusta Longbottom wnd her grandson, Neville Longbottom, were very nice to the two. Neville was a short, slightly pudgy boy who was very shy with a bit of a sad demeanor to him. Meanwhile his grandmother was slightly tall, thin, with a more professional severe look to her, the poor boy seemed slightly frightened by her.

On Nora's. eleventh birthday, she got a letter, delivered via owl, which the neighbors, and her father said was normal, from a strange school called Hogwarts, and when she found out Neville recieved the same letter on his birthday, they both grew excited.

Neville explained the school, and the houses, and how he so wished to be placed into Gryffindor, though he expects he will be placed into Hufflepuff, and How he believes Nora will be put into Ravenclaw, but he hopes that they are in the same house, and he also told her about how Slytherin mostly let out dark wizards and witches.

Nora and her father went through her mothers old things, at least, what hadn't burned in the fire, and found old photographs, which moved, and her mothers old uniform, Ravenclaw, her mother was a Ravenclaw. They even found her old wand, when Nora saw it she grabbed the box and asked to go see Neville, when her father said yes, she ran to her friends house and knocked loudly on the door.

When Nevilles grandma answered the door she smiled fondly at the small excited girl and stepped aside to let her in.

Nora and Neville spent an hour excitedly staring at the beautiful wand, which was polished and smooth, dark brown in color with what looked like a sage green vine wrapped around, and at the very base of the wand, there seemed to be multiple tiny flowers carved into the handle, and a piece amythest embedded into the very end.

When Nora finally picked it up she felt a small buzzing at her fingertips and the tip
of the wand began to glow, and it that moment she truly felt the magic coursing through her veins. She looked over to Neville with the biggest smile, and he felt himself begin to blush.

A few weeks later Nora found herself walking down Diagon Alley and into Olivanders wand shop, where she discovered the wands core was made out of unicorn hair, and that uniforn hair only chose the purest of hearts, and the wand did, in fact truly, choose her.

Nora was sorted into Slytherin, and Neville into Gryffindor, but that didn't stop the two from spending every second they could together, though most of Noras time was spent in the hospital wing seeing as she was very clumsy, a bit of a rule breaker who did all of her dirty work along side two red headed twins named Fred and George Weasley, but she was also a beater on the Slytherin team, and the Weasley twins did not go easy on her.

She became close friends with Ronald Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger over the years, as well as being taken under the wing of Hifflepuff, Cedric Diggory who treats her like the younger sister he never had, and even earned herself a very distinct enemy who she could not spend more than an hour around without getting into a fight, Pansy Parkinson.

Many close friendships, amazing grades, house points earned, and taken, and multiple detentions later, Nora Oakwood found a second home within the walls of Hogwarts, and a second family as well. Now she is going into her fourth year, and as excited as ever.

    Little does she know...

  This year, all hell will break lose.

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