I. New Year, Same Habits [part 1]

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From where she stood, beneath the great metal gates, she honestly felt safer than in the chaos in before her.

Hordes of teenagers scattered across the grounds of the academy; friends reconnecting after spending months apart, first-year students rushing around trying to find their assigned hall and parents bidding their kid's tearful farewells.

Despite the liveliness of her surroundings, she just couldn't find the same excitement she'd felt when she first arrived at Alfea College.

Things were different this time. She was alone. She didn't have anyone to experience this day with, as the people she would normally surround herself with were gone.

And that fucking sucked.

The brunette rolled her eyes at her surroundings as she weaved through many people, either taking selfies, already gossiping about summer break, panicking over their belongings. She sent a glare at the rowdy group of boys who had just bumped into her, causing the bag she had slung over her shoulder to fall on the ground, spilling her things.

She let out a sigh as she kneels down to collect her things. She was just about done when a pair of hands suddenly came into her peripheral. She turned around to see a boy with dark brown ruffled hair aiding her. She looked at him confused for a moment as she slowly stood up, the boy doing the same.

As he handed her the last of her things, the brown eyed girl thought that would be the end of it. However, the stranger was still in front of her and it took her a couple of seconds, and a lift of his eyebrow, for her to realize he had been speaking.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" The music that had been blaring through her AirPods, hidden underneath her short chestnut hair, instantly faded when she took them off. Instead, her hearing was replaced by the commotion of her surroundings.

He simply smile, "I was just saying you looked like you were about to give those tossers a good beating. That would have honestly made for an interesting first day."

"Well, the day's not over. Anything could still happen."

The pair didn't say anything. The boy trying to rack his brain for something else to say and the girl just felt highly annoyed. All she wanted to do was get to her dorm room and this stranger was delaying her plans further than she'd liked. He gave offered another friendly smile, "I-I'm Kaleb."

The girl sighed, before eventually shaking the tall boy outstretched hand, "Rohanna."

He let go, "Awesome name. Faerie or specialist?"


"Same. As I said, is' my first day here and I'm trying very hard not to seem lost. This place is huge. Still trying to get the lay of the land."

"Well, if you're looking for a guide, I can't help you, I'm sorry. I already have someone I need to show around and I'm running late." She said curt,  looking around the very crowded campus, in the hope to find the first-year student she was supposed to accompany.

"It's cool, I get it, I need to find my uncle anyway. He's probably around here somewhere. But, I'll just catch you later, yeah?"

No. She wanted to say. She didn't understand why this kid still wanted to be around her after this thrilling conversation there having. She certainly didn't want to meet again. It was a big place, if she was lucky they might not.

She pulled up a smile, whether the boy knew it was fake or not, she couldn't tell, "Totally," she pulled her things alongside her and walked away.

She continued her path up to the classical built structure. Where are you? She thought as she looked for the first year. As if she heard her, a hand had shot up in the air waving frantically. A broad smile plastered on the short girl face as Rohanna caught sight of her.

"Rohanna! It's been forever since we last saw each other," she immediately rushed out when the brunette was within earshot, "Well, not really forever, it was only like, what, three months I guess but it sure felt like it."

The girl had in her arms a tray filled with pots of plants (typical earth faerie) and by the looks of it she was struggling just a tad to keep them upright but she paid no mind as she kept on talking. If it weren't for the plants, Rohanna was sure the girl would have attacked her with a hug. Rohanna had never felt more grateful.

"-Sam and Dad are also excited for this year." The girl continued, "They missed you as well this summer, they can't wait to see you again. And you can meet my cou— "

"Terra, darling." She cut the girl off, "Breath."

"Right, sorry." She laughed nervously.

"No need to apologize. Just don't want you passing out on your first day, on my watch no less," she teased.

The shorter girl giggled softly, "How was your summer?"

The brunette wavered a bit, "Pretty good." Terra was about to speak again but Rohanna was quick, "So, you practically know this place already so the tour will be rather fast. You ready to do this."

Rohanna watched in amusement as the ever-exciting glint seemed to grow. She was so sure the girl would burst, "C'mon." They grabbed their luggage and made their way through the Faerie Hall, unbeknownst to Rohanna, that a blonde boy across the field was in a frantic state.

It happened so fast, in his opinion. He had been joking around with his best mate, catching up on their summers, when he caught sight of her from behind.

Well, at least he thought it was her. He got distracted by one of his friends for a second, only a second, but that was all it took, as the next thing he knew she was gone.

Admittedly, all he saw was the back profile, and yes, many girls cut their hair short, but he was positive he had seen her today. She was here.

Thing is, he didn't know whether he was to be excited about that revelation or scared shitless.

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