Teacher- Jachary (part 2)

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Tw// mention of rape (it's only really gonna be the word but I wanna put a trigger warning just in case)

Zachs POV

As I walk, well limp into school the next day I'm so happy but that happiness diminishes as soon as I see Jonah and Daniel walking towards me.

Jo- look the whore has come to school
D- he has no shame in what he did

They laugh and I get so confused, surely they dont know what happened right

Z- w-what?
Jo- you're such an idiot Herron

He gets his phone out and presses a few buttons then suddenly a video from last night starts playing on the big screen in the canteen and everyone starts laughing at me, I start crying and run away and hide in a classroom. I hear the door open and I hide in the corner afraid of who it would be.

Z- whoever you are, fuck off! I get it, I'm a slut so you dont have to tell me.

Ja- angel? Please dont say that

Z- Jack?

I hug him tight, I know I only just met him yesterday but I really like him and last night we may have made it official. You might say we rushed into it but when I'm with him I get the indescribable feeling, I love him.

The door opens again and I look to see Corbyn, ngl he looks so disappointed in me but also happy.

Z- h-hey corbs, if you've come to say you dont wanna be my friend anymore then I understand
C- no you idiot, I'll be your best friend forever, I just wanted to make sure you're ok and tell you that I'll be by your side the whole time
Z- thanks corbs, I love you

Jack stops hugging me and i can tell hes jealous so I kiss him

Z- I love you more though bubba, I only love corbs as a friend

Jack smiles and kisses me again.

Ja- I'm so lucky to have you as mine
C- awww you two are so cute--

He gets cut of by a group of people storming in the room, I look over and wanna cry.

There stands Jonah, Daniel, the headteacher Mr Franckewitz and 2 police officers.

P1- Jack Robert Avery, we're arresting you on suspicion of raping a minor
Z- What?!! No! Hes my boyfriend, I consented 100%, please dont take him away!!!
Ja- Zachy baby, listen to me, I love you so much and you may be my boyfriend and you may have consented but what we did was still wrong, ofc I didnt rape you but what we did was still wrong

I start crying

P2- Mr Avery is correct, he is still wrong to have sexual connections with a student
Z- nooooo!! Please!!!

I see Jonah and Daniel smirking, I hate them so much!!!

Jack comes over to me and hugs me tight and I cry into his neck.

Ja- angel, I love you so much but they're gonna have to take me away now, I dont wanna restrict you to not dating anyone when I'm inside so I'm breaking up with you angel but please don't be sad, I will always love you zachy

I cry more and Corbyn drags me away from our hug and holds me whilst the police handcuff Jack.

Z- Stop!! Please! You cant do this!!!
MF- Zach I'm sorry but it has to be done

I try to get out of corbyns grip but hes strong so I cant

C- Z please calm down, I know this is hard but it has to be done

I start punching corbyns chest and crying even more and as I watch Jack being escorted out of school, this is all my fault!

I break out of corbyns grasp but Jack's already gone, I punch Daniel and Jonah then fall to the floor.

D- it was for your own good
Z- no its because you're a selfish twat, you've always hated me and made me hate myself but the one time I'm finally happy, you ruin my life like normal

Jonah sighs and looks genuinely upset

Jo- I did it because i love you
Z- what?!
Jo- I love you Zachary Dean Herron, I always have and I bullied you because I didnt want to admit I was gay
Z- well I hate you Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich!!!

I slap him hard then run out of the room and break down in the toilets.

I hate my life.

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